
It's impossible for a moon-sized space station to generate enough power to completely obliterate a planet, but we all rolled with that.

You special snowflake, you.

He had a huge chunk taken out of his side by Chewie's bowcaster. It's no massive shock he wasn't firing on all cylinders.

Too rapey?

This would have made more sense, given how well adjusted he is.

Harrison Ford just can't escape being goddamn fridged.

This was one of my two hang-ups with the movie, the other being the lacklustre run on Starkiller Base. They could have spent like thirty seconds earlier in the movie showing Leia on whatever planet that was that got blown up.

In fairness he took one of those bowcaster bolts, which the movie took some time to establish as a really nasty fucking hit to take. Like getting hit with a high-powered rifle round.

I thought Ren worked. As I mentioned somewhere 300 comments back I'd never seen the actor in anything else, so his appearance when the mask came off was genuinely not what I was expecting (him being a Star Wars darksider, I guess I was expecting some kind of disfigurement) and I bought into his ambivalence, his rage

Nah, he made Chewbacca cry. I hope his dick falls off whilst he's flushing the toilet.


No, your completely uninformed opinion has become an informed one.

I keep forgetting that opening shot. Best opening shot since A New Hope, easy.


Those two Death Star guards in A New Hope seemed to be shooting the shit as if they were normal guys outside of their jobs.

I think that was a typo.

Of all the people you don't want to unexpectedly wake up next to, someone called "Kit Fisto" probably tops the list.

How is that awkward for me? Go and watch the fucking movie and make up your own mind instead of regurgitating other people's opinions.

I am genuinely surprised at the amount of hate the movie is getting in this comment section. It absolutely blows the prequels away to the point where I will cheerfully never watch any of them again now that this, a much-needed corrective to the series, exists.