
Luckily, the AV Club commentariat is here to set the rest of us straight and tell us why a film a hell of a lot of people enjoyed is actually objectively shit.

"I'd take any prequel over it."

That's exactly what made him so compelling.

There's just no pleasing some people.

I genuinely loved it. The new characters were great, Kylo Ren is great (and eminently hateable) and Chewie killed it as the funniest character in a movie full of pretty funny characters.

"Guy who hasn't seen movie thinks it will be mediocre, feels vindicated despite still having not seen it"

It's very much not about the Skywalkers.

Maybe this is just a side-effect of having just walked out of the cinema and still being caught in the moment, but I loved it. It's funny, the action scenes are spectacular, and the new characters fit in very easily next to the old. There were a couple of undercooked sequences but overall, this is EXACTLY what Episode

You never get tired of trolling the JJ comments even a little bit, do you?

I actually like this film. Emma Thompson's reaction to finding out she's (probably) being cheated on is heartbreaking, the porn couple are great and Hugh Grant is really entertaining as the Prime Minister.

Smarter? Glory is dumber than a sack of hammers. It's pretty much the only reason that the Scoobies evade her for as long as they do.

Hurt us? Christ, he's a fucking filmmaker, not Adolf Eichmann.

This guy's been trolling since the first review. It's pretty much best not to feed him.

And which comment section are we on again?

I'd have loved for them not to go the 'virus' route as an explanation for Kilgrave's power. It makes rationalising how it all works way harder than if he were just a telepath (or pheromones as it apparently was in the comics).

I had assumed Hogarth sabotaged the wire, but I guess not judging from your post. It's almost as if these are the episode nine comments.

I almost feel sorry for Kilgrave. He actually thinks he's getting somewhere with Jessica from time to time, and then he slips and nonchalantly orders people to slice each other's faces off.

He arrived at the same conclusion with Matt and Foggy in Daredevil, of which there was also zero implication.

Except for the 20+ witnesses.

Worked great on Jesse Custer.