
He's a revolting arsehole, but Kilgrave casually ordering that newsstand vendor to chuck his coffee in his face was blackly funny.

Refreshing to see the show take someone who'd usually be a throwaway, one-shot henchman (Will) and flesh him out into an actual character.

To be honest, the guy looks like he could have handled those guys even without the benefit of indestructability.

I only vaguely knew of Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, and two episodes in I'm finding the exposition (or lack thereof) no problem at all. I'm enjoying the slow build of Kilgrave and what exactly went down between the two of them.

Can't wait for Oliver Sava to tell me how secretly misogynistic/racist/homophobic the show is!

You would say that.

Season 1 of Buffy is dated as hell. It practically drips with how 90's it is. I find everything from the season 2 midpoint onwards brilliant TV, however.

Jody is one of the greatest villains of all time. Love the fucked up pseudo father/son relationship between him and Jesse.

I hope they don't take it in too grimdark a direction. Preacher was in parts dark, but had a fucked up sense of humour to go with it.

Maybe they'll be budget-conscious and use a small stretch of Georgia forest as the Texan town.


My friends and I did a road trip across America last year (I'm a Brit) and I pretty much dragged them along to Coney Island on the subway, despite none of them having seen the movie. I was extremely disappointed at the lack of tacky cash-in Warriors shit at Coney Island.

Space? Is he scouting space?

I work as an English teacher in China, and let me tell you — Americans suck at geography, Brits suck at geography, but the Chinese are zen masters of geography-sucking. The only country they can reliably place other than China is Japan. Mostly because they really hate Japan.

I think it means, like, not actually gold? I'm sure it sounded swell when he/she wrote it.

Upvoted for username/comment synergy.

Yeah, but that one chick looked pretty sweet in her inexplicably unremoved high heels, amirite fellas?

Sweet! I can't wait to see the genetically modified Predator-rancor that can talk to mynocks!

Arrested Development's exchange between Gob and his wife:

This is like some Back to the Future Part II style punchline shit.