
Well, I suppose you at least got to use the word 'bucolic' in an apropos context.

Lions cannot be domesticated and should not be treated like friends or pets. Anyone who treats them like that is not respecting a wild animal for what it is and is probably going to end up paying the price.

Well I didn't think it was possible, but my opinion of Jon Stewart went down slightly after learning he was pals with Dennis Leary.

Hopefully he'll rap about that time he publicly beat the shit out of a woman to remind us all what a swell guy he is!

I dunno. They have an extremely plausible way of avoiding the pain that Fred's death would cause them, so why not use it? If ever there was a kind lie, that would be it.

Wesley has possibly the finest put-down of both series:

The overall arc sucked (they should have kept Walsh as the Big Bad and Adam as a flunky) but it's the funniest season and has some great standalones (Hush, This Year's Girl/Who Are You, Restless, Superstar).

Compare Buffy S1 Boreanaz to Angel S3. He's not (and never would be) the best actor in the world, but he grew into the role.

Season 2 has the best arc but the most horrible standalone episodes (Some Assembly Required, Reptile Boy, Bad Eggs, Go Fish… I could go on) and as a result is extremely inconsistent. I agree with td that season 3 is, in terms of consistency, a lot better.

Even The Life of the Party?

What's a rogue demon?

The run of S2 episodes from Reunion to Epiphany is wonderful. In fact almost all of season 2 is wonderful (with the left-field Pylea arc being debatable).

Season 4 was a convoluted, unstructured mess. It's not surprising they made sweeping changes in 5. And come on, the caveman-astronaut debate alone makes Spike's addition worthwhile.

Or instead of a reboot of a thirty-year-old franchise, they could — bear with me — take a chance on a new property.

Sigourney Weaver can't be held responsible for the clusterfuck that was Alien 3 — that's all on 20th Century Fox. Yes, Alien 4 was shit, but that can be blamed on a combination of shitty director choice, poor choice of writer (I love Whedon but he's wrong for the Alien franchise) and a completely off-kilter tone

Oh yeah, totally forgot about that!

Firefly did it? The only part I can remember that came close was when YoSaffBridge and Inara almost kissed. I don't remember there being another instance, and there certainly wasn't a 'lesbian kiss' episode.

Buffy's 'the Body' remains (amongst other things) the finest example of quietly and sensibly dealing with 'the lesbian kiss'.

This sounds… kind of amazing. If they actually nailed a pastiche of Buffy and Justified, it will be amazing. However, only knowing SyFy (that goddamn name) by reputation, I imagine it will be somewhat underwhelming.