
I'm sure Ms. Stone will be scrambling for the first nude scene she can get her hands on after learning of your apathy towards anything else she does. She's done way too much talky shit and having-a-personality shit; it's time she got down to her real raison d'ĂȘtre, which is titillating sweaty, entitled Internet nerds.

Exactly my thoughts. He's the Sean Connery of black guys.

So they're actually going with the 'Hahahahaha' tattoos, are they?


Zack Snyder gets way too much shit, for me. I don't care what anyone says, Dawn of the Dead remake is a fucking amazing movie (random slo-mo notwithstanding) and Watchmen was a decent effort too (random slo-mo notwithstanding). OK, so he overdoes slo-mo.

I've heard almost none of his music, but that doesn't prevent me from having an opinion on the self-aggrandising egotistical bullshit douchebaggery that he pulls pretty much every week. I'm not listening to one of his CDs to gain the 'right' to label him as the dipshit he so obviously is.


I'm gay as shit for Han Solo but there's no way in hell anything good comes of this.

It sounds a lot like Cool World, which had a fucking awesome premise until it actually got made.

Yeah, it's so bizarre that a New-York-raised white guy would not have perfect pronunciation in Mandarin.

Fucking spoiler alert on Sean Young's character, 1982 guy!

I can't wait to see how the AV Club's reviewer finds new and exciting ways to complain about her lack of agency.

The Punisher's in the next season too? Awesome. I hope he's more Garth Ennis and less Ray Stevenson.

A Preacher game would be amazing. Just smoking Marlboros, punching Klansmen in the face and occasionally ordering someone to shit themselves.

They did a similarly hilarious thing with Mysterio in Spider-man 2. Guy charges his health bar up so it's one of those obnoxious 90's-era triple-filled health bars, goes down in one punch anyway.


Yeah, but it made repeatedly smacking him in his stupid smug fucking face so satisfying.

I would absolutely love a Rocksteady-made Flash game. Arrow not so much, since I think it'd be too hard to distinguish him from Batman. But imagine running around snatching bullets out of the air and super-speed-punching eight guys in the face at once.

The Witcher 3 did a wonderful job of this, in my opinion. It's not so much that the maps are huge, but that they are organically filled with things to do.

It's a very good game with some frustrating Batmobile sections. The Batmobile is a great toy to have, though. It's fun tearing around in it.