
I think you're forgetting about Lucius Fox's secretary!


I loved the focus of Asylum and, although Knight is a great game, the Batmobile boss battles got REALLY old fast.Just tearing around in the Batmobile is great fun, but some of the tank sections veer almost into frustration (an almost unheard-of sin in the Arkham games). The best part of the game remains trying to

Upvoted for particularly calculating use of hashtag.

I thought she was the best she's been yet and totally justified in her anger. It was refreshing to see her tear into Joe and Barry for treating her like a fucking kid all season.

Cisco and his banana earned a mighty guffaw from me.

Yeah, what a whiner about every single important person in her life lying to her for like the past year. Women and their whining and their periods and stuff, amirite?

Did you even read my original comment?

Yeah, what with her horrible rape storyline a nude scene slotted in there would have just felt so organic and tasteful.

Let's recap the military prowess of Stannis 'Military Genius' Baratheon:

It's quite possible he hasn't, since, y'know, this is the newbie review.

Melisandre is even less deserving of a redemption arc than Theon.

So Melisandre (fire) is totally resurrecting Jon Snow (ice) right? And then it'll be some kind of… ballad… of… two diametrically opposed things, I guess?

I think his last words — 'do your duty' — stirred something in Brienne. Motherfuckers are always belittling or dismissing her sense of duty, and in the end it's a dirty no-good daughterburner who finally respects that.

Jaime cuts his head off, I'd assume.

Why would you assume Sansa and Theon are dead? Looked very much to me like they were sizing up that snowbank under the walls.

Right, but raptors should have the same capacity for domesticability (not a word but you follow my meaning) as wolves or any other wild animal, which is to say that they should never be truly domesticated.


Oh, come on. I mean it's worth it for the cracking glass scene alone.

Honestly, I couldn't stomach how much the script wanted us to see him as a badass alpha-male type. He's a fairly charismatic guy, but my God did they want us to think the sun shone out of his arse.