

Yep, they had that score running through the shot of the kids getting to their hotel room and dumping their stuff. You know, real epic stuff.

Because a surgeon and an actor are comparable.

Reeves seems like a fundamentally decent guy, which more than makes up for any criticisms about his acting. Plus, he was actually really good in 'the Gift'.

Cyberpunk never really got a fair shake on the big screen (you could argue Blade Runner isn't really representative of the genre in the way it's held up to be). There was a great short called 'true skin' put out a couple of years ago that apparently might be picked up by a studio, so there's hope yet: https://www.youtu

"The Plague doesn’t believe in one of the basic tenants of the “Hacker Manifesto,” which is that all information should be free. And, as a final insult, he schemes to frame the hackers with purer ideals for the crime. "

The Chinese believe that male masturbation incurs a loss of qi. So I'd say he's spiritually damaged as fuck.

Well, the Stannis versus Boltons showdown is going to make me think really, really hard about who I hate more.

Stannis has surely got to lose the support of the Night's Watch soon. No way Jon Snow will get behind a guy who has burnt his daughter alive, right?

Don't fuck with an 18-20 crit range, Jorah.

The water dancer was the rapier guy?

After having establishing that a leech's worth of royal blood was enough to kill a king, just fuck no. Fuck Stannis and fuck Melisandre and fuck his wife too — too little remorse too late. Brienne better just stab everybody up except Sansa and Davos come the finale.

Oh fuck you, Stannis. You fucking piece of shit. I hope Ramsay flays you now.

The 'zombie shit' was set up in the very first episode so I'd hardly call it an example of 'pandering' as if they watched the Walking Dead and thought 'so that's what everybody is into!'

The show did creepy as well as any straight horror with those child Wights. Unnerving stuff.

That was a fucking battle scene and a half right there. Retroactively made up for the Sand Snake fight. Loved the way the soundtrack dropped away during Jon's fight with the White Walker.

I dunno, man. A lot of people hate it.

Mr. Plinkett's ironic use of Lucas' 'it rhymes' footage preemptively debunked this essay.

And with Roose Bolton protecting Sansa (for selfish reasons, but still) it would have made him a much more compelling character too. The only person who's got her back murdered her brother and was complicit in the death of her mother. Man, you should be writing this shit instead of whoever's doing it right now.

My God, that's a wonderful idea. Imagine Roose Bolton interrupting last week's closer and backhanding his son. It would have instantly added so many layers to the Winterfell storyline.