
Jesus fucking Christ, this comment section is starting to make me question my faith in humanity. Are you serious? Are you fucking serious? How the hell can anyone watch that scene and not take it as the rape it obviously, clearly, 100% is?

The rape apologism really isn't getting old for you any time soon, is it?

You're remarkably successful for such an obvious troll.

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

It's the comment section I can't abide. I love the AV Club comment sections with the one exception of the GoT experts'.

Tell that to my level 8 bard!

The misery porn is seriously getting old. The screenwriters seem to just be shitting on Sansa for the sake of it now.

I'm getting the impression that it's cool to hate on Marvel now? I thought it was pretty entertaining, if not as impressive as the first movie. It was obviously a little bloated but it was certainly wasn't the horrible trainwreck many are claiming just because tearing down big movies is the thing to do now.

It's a good job absolutely everything else made up for it by being fucking fantastic.

I loved this movie when I watched it as a teenager, but I watched it last year and I found myself wanting to find it funnier than I did. A lot of the jokes just fall flat.

Survivor is the only way to play the game. You won't be punching anyone to death in that; you'll be scrounging for ammo and holding onto that last arrow until you REALLY need it. TLoU is one of my favourite games ever.

I doubt they'd go that far, and I certainly hope they don't.

The good guys need a win after four seasons of being shit on (Ned, Robb, Catelyn, Oberyn). I'm hoping that Sansa combines Littlefinger's Douche-Fu with the Stark sense of not being a dick to royally fuck the Boltons.

I think it really will be a bridge too far if Sansa gets tortured/raped by Ramsay. At that stage it will be less 'bad things happen, it's a brutal medieval setting' and more gratuitously unwatchable awfulness for its own sake.

Disagree on Cersei's walk of shame. Cersei is an established, important character and the High Septon is not. She's all about cold and aloof dignity, and the walk of shame will strip her of that completely.

It's not as if I want to see an old man's dick either, but since the scene is all about humiliating him, showing him fully naked would have driven that home.

I agree; it made complete sense since the idea was this man being degraded and humiliated. But apparently the director felt that gratuitous female nudity was more important than thematically apropos male nudity.

Gillian and Jimmy Darmody would have watched the shit out of it had it existed in the 20's.

I don't understand why people are upset about potential spoilers for the books yet continue to keep watching. You realise that not watching is totally an option, right?

You're really upset about this. Take comfort in the fact that, no matter how much this adaptation (and that's what it is — not a scene-by-scene reconstruction of the books) deviates, it will never have the power to alter the books, which you can always go back and read instead of watching the show.