
There was some genuinely excellent bitching going on between Cersei and Margaery in this episode. Also a scathing put-down on poor inexperienced Tommen — 'that was lovely'. Thank God they aged the actor though, or that scene would have been creepier than it already was (the actor's 17 and Natalie Dormer is 33).

It's only on PS4 and you can only get it from the PS Store. You can always come round mine to play it since I'm never deleting that shit off my hard drive.

I don't see a lot of anything from you other than inane trolling.

I think they could distinguish it enough: a lighter red, couple of horns incorporated into the (lightly armoured) mask, bingo.

As I mentioned further down, since this armour is thin enough for Kingpin to wear in a suit, it should be thin enough for Daredevil to incorporate it into his existing look, which I feel matches the tone of the show way better than the new suit.

Willow! That's Willow!

I've only ever been exposed to Kingpin via Spider-man and Punisher comics before this, but hopefully he learns to get that temper in check and becomes the cold, calculating master criminal he's supposed to be. I agree that he was something of a disappointment outside of his brutal displays of rage, but then, as you

Completely agree. It was pretty brave to ditch the suit altogether and go with the ninja look for a season, but it suited the tone and Matt's down-n'-dirty approach to crime fighting really well. Hopefully they realise it looks kinda silly and get rid of it in favour of a more minimalist look for season two.

There's only one Catholic priest in Hell's Kitchen, right?

More than half the review is dedicated to discussing either gender or race, and you're surprised people comment upon it in the, er, comment section?

And Buc — dammit.

Fisk doesn't really appear to have done that much of anything. The Chinese manufactured the heroin, the Russians distributed, Leland handled the books and Fisk… did something, I guess? That's not necessarily a failing on the writer's part as much as it is my failing to pay attention, necessarily, but his role was

This is an ongoing thing in the DD reviews, not a one-off. Every instance of anything remotely negative happening to a woman is an example of 'female victimisation', despite the fact that almost every woman has proven themselves to be capable and independent (you could argue that Vanessa has not, however).


Not at all, but when the review is trying so hard to push his personal agenda it becomes less about critically analysing the show and more about spotlighting whatever issues he feels are more pertinent, specifically gender and race.

I think he assumed that the chloroform or whatever he hit Karen with was going to last longer. But yes, it wasn't the brightest move from an otherwise intelligent guy.

Every time Karen gets assaulted she pretty much fucks the shit up of whoever assaulted her not long after.

"The show doesn't match the tone of the other marvel stuff, thanks Frank Miller you right wing nutjob!"

Walton Goggins is fucking gold in everything he's in. Great casting call.

Also, what the hell was up with Fisk's oversized clown bow tie in this episode?