
I honestly got no sexual tension from the Foggy/Matt scenes. If anything it seemed to me to be played as a bit of a joke (Matt seemed to think for a minute Foggy was coming onto him, Foggy was embarrassed and swiftly clarified) and I saw nothing but good old-fashioned friendship in their talks in the flashbacks.

Oh for the love of God, let up on the 'they keep victimising women' angle. Detective Blake, the Russian brothers, that one decent rookiee cop and Nobu got pretty fucking 'victimised' too. It's a fairly dark show set in a pretty shitty place and people of both sexes keep getting hurt. It's almost patronising to women

It's not a mistake; both can be used to refer to people and 'that' has been used in reference to people as far back as Chaucer.

Jesus, enough with looking for sexism where there isn't any. Karen is strong and independent. Vanessa is totally wearing the pants in a relationship with a scary powerful crime lord. Claire makes a conscious decision to get involved in Daredevil's life and handles herself well when things get rough. Not everything is

This reviewer's really got a chip on his shoulder about 'victimised' female characters. I didn't see her as a victim at all — she was holding her own and I loved her nonchalantly spraying that one guy in the face with her mace. She may be tough and able to take care of herself, but it doesn't mean she can effortlessly

Anyone notice that the KING card was stuck to the board with a PIN?

Yet curiously he had no accent at all when he was pretending to be a detective.

Agree completely. After the glorification of torture and do-whatever-it-takes facism in the 2000's (24 being the chief culprit) it's a shame that this trope has to rear its head again. I can get behind Daredevil angrily beating the shit out of a human trafficker, but coldly torturing a man (no matter what he's done)

All right, Daredevil, you've convinced me you're fucking awesome in a single scene. Goddamn was that some Old Boy levels of intense.

Does Bob Gunton ever portray a character that's not a total prick?

I read all the books after season 3 of the show, and I have to say I much prefer the show. A Feast for Crows was dull, dull, dull and the show has never done anything but hold my interest.

He'll always be Daniel Clamp to me.

How come there's a gaggle of intolerant chucklefucks suddenly plaguing the comments? Did Free Republic go down for maintenance?

Three years late to this discussion, but as a Brit I just wanted to say that RDJ's British accent is more than passable.

Given the fact they've dropped Eddie like a sack of shit, it seems unlikely he'll be the culprit (unless they suddenly develop his character a whole lot towards the endgame).

Yeah, this is really really soon after the last one. It's getting pretty ridiculous how often modern TV shows have little sabbaticals.

It is not!

Don't get all the Skyler hate. I thought she was a great character.

Seems silly that Wells would reveal his identity if he wasn't certain that Grodd would kill him, but sometimes characters on this show do inexplicable things (still love it).

Give her a break. She's got her hands full rejecting Barry/being inappropriately jealous when Barry finally moves on. Speaking of, where was reporter chick this episode?