
There continues to be very few obstacles that couldn't be solved by moving really fast (he couldn't subdue Eiling before he released the pin-cushion doo-hickey?), but this show is so much fun it can be forgiven its plethora of weekly minor plot holes.

"Hi, I ordered a pizza to my sewer hideout like an hour ago and it still hasn't arrived."

I was fully expecting the 'I look like Oliver Queen' line. I honestly thought it was him when he reappeared clean-shaven in the last episode.

Find some other way to express your offence; perhaps a request rather than an imperative.

The Walking Dead

How is that relevant? They'd get flak for negatively stereotyping gay people (in the unlikely event that they made Aaron or Eric evil), not because they had two guys kiss.

For someone who spends so much time here, you seem massively disapproving, week after week, of what most of the other commenters are saying, man. Lighten up a bit.

Or perhaps he/she can use whatever words he/she wants, irrespective of what you find offensive.

I have not.

It was absolutely, thoroughly unpleasant and though I don't doubt the context would change it somewhat, I don't see it mitigating the wanton gratuitousness of the particular event in question.

In what way is it nonsense? With modern sexual politics being what they are, AMC would get a lot of flak if they introduced a loving gay couple and then made one/both of them evil. Ergo Aaron and Eric are obviously good guys.

I'm not old enough to remember 1985 or earlier very well, but was the Internet even a commercially available thing back then?

This is true, but there are exceptions to every rule. The truth is that women are societally pressured into accepting that 'passive' role and men are free to be sexually aggressive (and seem to be much more inclined towards being pushy or forward, whether for societal or biological reasons). Of course everybody should

Another group, another contrived nickname for the zombies!

30+ years?

It has to be an OK place because people will kill themselves if they rehash Woodbury and Terminus.

Did I just see TWD do a kinda-funny smash cut? Next Rick will be grinning.

I read issue 100 of the comic only because I was tired of all the spoiler-baity comments here and it was utter shit. I really hope they don't go that route because it was nihilistic gruesomeness for the sake of shock value.

Any doubts that Aaron was a good guy vanished with the 'HEY GUYS WE HAVE GAY PEOPLE!' moment. Can you imagine the shitstorm if they had an evil gay character?

Upvoted for holding the fucking baby.