
It must drive you crazy sometimes coming up with parenthesised comments for that thing that you do.

One can only hope he is somewhat garrulous in his hatred thereof.

It kinda helped with his acting, though.

If a girl I liked was aggressively pushing for sex with me on the second date, I wouldn't be pushing her off. If I was aggressively pushing for sex on the second date, I'd take a step back and think 'what a fucking arsehole'. The former defies conventional gender expectations and the latter reinforces them in the

That much ghost pepper would have fucked Barry up way more than it did, Flash or no, and I'm realising that of all the things I could nitpick in this show this is possibly the most retarded.

Yeah that bit was lost on me. I was expecting some kind of resolution to that but there was nothing. Maybe Barry is pulling a Marcie.

So this non-violent, clearly manipulated woman is just getting locked up without a trial forever? The writers really need to address this good-guys-running-Gitmo issue.

I really just wanna grab Rick and take a couple of inches off that hobo beard.

There was also the largely unspoken but pervasive element of powering a society on the suffering of possibly sapient creatures.

Fuck yes. If they didn't try to just re-tell the Corvo story and instead made something original using the setting, a Dishonored movie could be amazing.

Christ that would make for a boring movie. Repeat shitty eavesdropping mission three times and then possibly get to stab someone. Add clunky swordfighting and half-assed stealth mechanics to taste.

A good video game story doesn't need a movie. A bad one doesn't deserve one. What I'm saying is that please fucking Christ don't butcher the Last of Us with The Road But With a Girl.

You're such a spoilsport.

Yeah. You're dealing with a post-WWII organisation that, if analogous to the OSS, would be pretty much staffed with white folk. Seems we're trying a bit too hard to see racism these days.

Something I didn't notice in the mid-season finale that I did in the 'previously on…' for this — when Maggie falls down screaming upon seeing Beth's corpse, Abraham is looking at her all 'What? You know this chick or something?'

Hey Whovian, how does one go about viewing downvotes again?

Oh shit. I totally missed that. That sucks.

What do you mean? I guess I'm missing a reference here…

There was a wonderful fan-trailer for an updated version of 'the Warriors'. I know Tony Scott was supposed to be remaking it in LA (no idea what happened to that) and I love the original film more than my mother, but it is quite dated and the violence is incredibly tame by modern standards.