
Someone mentioned further down it was an easter egg related to some villain. I don't know comics Flash at all so I couldn't tell you who.

Having watched the video (and the Shia LaBeouf musical thing a couple of weeks back) I much prefer weird existentialist-angst Shia LaBeouf to Bland Transformers Guy Shia LaBeouf. This video is actually pretty haunting and LaBeouf is great in it.

Come on. Everyone knows that the kids will smoke if they know people did it in 1946.

I just binge-watched all nine episodes knowing nothing about the Flash at all, and I'm really pleasantly surprised by how good the show is. The effects are surprisingly good, and it's got great humour in parts (as well as pathos — you can't help but feel for Barry's predicament with Reverse-Flash).

Agree completely on Reverse-Flash. Someone with those capabilities and the capacity for murder makes for a very, very threatening bad guy.

The mugging scene was one of the funniest things I've seen in a non-comedy for a long time.

This episode did something I thought impossible — it made me not hate Wentworth Miller. He had, like, multiple facial expressions and stuff.

I'm just waiting for that metal-as-fuck around-the-world punch from Injustice to get put in the show.

The accent is rubbish, yeah. But the coat is still miles better than the fresh-off-the-rack thing he wears in the show.

Yeah, that was a wonderful scene. I wish they'd kept him around — he would have made a great bad guy.

'Super-rich conservative old white guy holds possibly racist views' shock horror.

I see your point, but I think the Beth-Maggie issue symptomatic of the broader problem or Maggie having apparently been written as an afterthought for most of the season. All I'm saying is that a single line about Beth at some point would have won a lot more audience goodwill. And for the record, despite our frequent

I have never said the show sucks as a result of the Beth-Maggie thing. As I've said several times, I simply found it distracting and out of character for a character who has proven to be persistent and dogged when it comes to the people she loves to simply give up on her last surviving relative so easily. Of course,

I'm beating a dead horse at this point, I realise, but this is something that you've inferred rather than something that the script/actress made clear. She may well have thought she was dead; this should have at least been implied in the show rather than necessitating fanwanking.

Fair enough, you'd know better than me (a Manc).

Well yeah, but I thought spelling it that way would be ambiguous. I mean that the 'or' sound in words' rhymes with the word 'air'.

He's got more of a Ringo Starr Scouse going on than a John Bishop/Mel C one, where their 'words' comes out sounding much more like 'wairds' and their 'butter' as 'busser'. This is just as well with a primary audience of Americans, as a broad Scouse accent is no easy thing to follow.

The Chas thing is weird. He's like a more articulate Kenny.

Yes, but there's a Grimm sub-thread down the thread a ways.

I actually think he's grown into the Scouse accent. Didn't get any Welsh off him at all.