
D+ or not, nobody can argue with Papa Midnite's sharp as fuck wardrobe.

He just really wanted that shot of the zombies nose-diving into the roof and was prepared to sacrifice a bit of realism for it (I'd surmise). But yeah, the editing could have been less jarring.

You mean Daryl winning back his 'chick' (I can only assume you mean Beth) who, in-universe, is 17 at a push?

Hey, he'd probably look morally conflicted whilst doing it.

If there's one thing that we can take away from mainstream movies/TV, it's that only terrible, immoral people engage in casual sex.

As I said last week, I think the Ricktatorship is slowly evolving from the community-building good guys to the community-wrecking assholes, and they don't even realise that's what they are. Woodbury and Terminus were somewhat understandable, but I hope the way they're going with Grady Memorial is that they trash the

You can't blame the guy. I mean, look at her. She even used to say stuff.

Seriously. That they still use guns in anything other than a dire emergency continues to amaze me.

I didn't dislike it and loved it in certain parts (Smile Time, Damaged, a Hole in the World/Shells, Not Fade Away) but the move to Wolfram and Hart robbed the series of momentum, and Wesley was pre-betrayal (and therefore less interesting) Wesley for about half the season. Great chemistry between David Boreanaz and

You could see the tank? Must have missed that.

He's interesting because his upbringing gives him every reason to be an asshole but he isn't.

Maggie didn't mention Beth again.

Thanks for stopping by. Your comment has enriched the debate immensely.

Maybe I misread the scene, but I thought the implication was that Daryl took the 'survivors of abuse' book?

He sure lit the shit out of that cigarette.

I was mostly kidding. Mostly.

Glad we finally got to see the Caryl Show. They did a wonderful job of characterising both Carol and Daryl without beating us over the head with it (the women's shelter was a nice touch, and Daryl having taken the 'survivors of abuse' book was a great character beat). And nice to see Noah again, I like that guy.

It had action, you're wrong to not care about Carol, and the dialogue was just fine.

The build-up in the van scene was great, but there's absolutely no way the van was landing on its wheels from that distance. The shot before they landed showed them falling vertically, and then they landed on their wheels.

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