
Oh absolutely, and I'm pleased they were willing to adapt the opening Constantine story, which really establishes who John is very quickly. I would say it's easily the strongest episode and it's probably best that they left revealing what he's capable of until they'd found their footing a bit. An extremely haunting

I guess so. I recognised the storyline as soon as those bugs started pouring out of the bottle, having re-read it last week, so I was waiting with bated breath to see how they executed the finale. Even with the TV compromise it was a pretty dark turn for the character.

You're probably right, and it will probably be resolved with a simple 'I thought you were dead' from Maggie when she sees her. It's not unsalvageable by any stretch, it's just a bit weird given her previous characterisation. And we both know that people aren't going to stop bringing it up every week.

People are going to discuss Walking Dead stuff in the comments section of a Walking Dead article, man. Even if it's already been brought up. Getting annoyed about it won't change that.

I don't know why you've become so hostile to the fact that people point out Beth doesn't mention Maggie. It's an incongruity and people are going to discuss it weekly until the incongruity is resolved. I personally, as I've said in previous weeks and this week, think that the writing team have simply forgot that

I don't think it killed most of them, although the pressure did pulp a couple of heads (not surprising, given the power of a high-pressure water cannon and the decayed state of the heads). You could see some of them squirming on the floor after Eugene had finished.

You say that, but having a character who was, last season, characterised as someone who was extremely determined and focused when it came to tracking down someone she loves has completely ignored the fact that her sister went missing, to the point where she hasn't asked Daryl once (unless I'm misremembering) what

Rosita is remarkably unperturbed by the thought of how many times Eugene's obviously crusted a sock over her.

Did he? I don't remember that.

"Don't look for us. You won't find us, unless you walk out of the supermarket and turn right."

I think you just highlighted one of the little-discussed worst aspects of the apocalypse.

That's total speculation. There's been nothing in the show to illustrate what Maggie's thinking about Beth one way or the other.

Especially when she's apparently so inept at taking care of herself that she walks out of the supermarket and immediately gets her and her kids eaten by zombies.

Once they hit DC's traffic they're fucked. Tailbacks for 20 miles, but also zombies.

You shouldn't have to watch Talking Dead for plot points in the same way you shouldn't have to read a bunch of novels for the Prequel Trilogy to stop sucking.

Let the boy watch, Rosalita. Let him watch what is being consecrated heah.

The women are too busy using up all the razors on their pits and legs. Gotta conform to beauty standards even in the ZA!

You would think she'd have mentioned her at least once since the prison though. She literally hasn't said a word about it. No assumption that she's dead, no sense that she's avoiding talking or thinking about it, just nothing. I honestly think the writers forgot they were related.

This is in no way made clear in the episode. Kind of a Lucasian 'you have to read the EU to understand' moment.

Oh, you.