
Unrelated to topic but this is driving me crazy: does anyone know why Disqus would persistently log me out and force me to jump through hoops to log back in?

So Anne Hathaway lite was pissed off that her husband killed a bunch of (presumably) bad guys to protect her and the kids? Jeez, lady, no wonder you died.

Or it could be that!

Maybe they could do, like, a cyborg Wolverine, and a black Wolverine with a rake, and I don't know a teenage clone Wolverine or something.

Daryl felt the need to get whoever it was to hang back. That would suggest it's not Carol or Beth, both people known to the group.

Oh, please. She's not even close to matching the obnoxiousness that was Andrea.

Any episode without Laurie or Andrea doesn't get to be called the worst episode ever.

"I always enjoy urban environments on this show."

That sounds terrible, especially with Maggie and Glenn both taking a vacation from their previous characterisation. Remember when Glenn was level-headed, resourceful and smart? Remember when Maggie said things and remembered she had a sister?

I think it's clear at this stage that Carol's going to happen to her.

I like how she hated Dawn so much she killed herself so she could come back as a walker and eat her. That's some true commitment to vengeance.

Carol has to nuke the place. It's the only way to be sure.

There was more than two cops. There was another female cop guarding Beth just before Dawn came in and gave one of her shitty pep talks.

So on the money with the feeling evoked by watching Carol get wheeled in. You can't help but feel she's gonna burn that fucking place to the ground when she wakes up and not give two shits about it. I kinda hope she doe because it would continue the transition of 'our' group from the good guys who build communities to

Pretty sure it was 'fuck you' she was carving into the floor, with some blood tastefully blocking out a few letters. Any kids watching don't need to see curse words thrown in with their rapist-neck-chewing scene.

I was all ready to snark about letting an untrained girl administer drugs to a patient, and then they turned it around. Nice move, TWD. And it didn't diminish my liking for Dr. Edwards at all. It's the zombie apocalypse and everyone has had to kill someone to stay alive. He was just a bit more cold-blooded and sneaky

I thought his Scouse accent actually improved from the pilot.

I just re-read Hellblazer 1-2, with the news that Papa Midnite is going to be in the next episode. The two-parter does something very well that the show has yet to convey: what an absolute bastard Constantine is. He basically lies and manipulates a childhood friend into dying in absolute agony so Constantine can stop

But he didn't elude anyone. Apparently nobody bothered to even investigate the deaths.