
Can you guys stop making me sad by reminding me at the bottom of every article that Michael from Mary Poppins died young? Thanks.

Yeah, it seemed a bit of a lazy 'northern England is all mines!!!!' comment.

Fuck Disqus, seriously. Keeps eating my goddamn comments. Anyway, I found his Scouse accent a massive improvement on the pilot. He seems to have a feel for the accent now.

It should be since the comic was largely UK-based, but it's on a US network, right? They're not going to finance a UK-based series with a largely UK cast.

Apparently my comment was eaten by the Disqus elder gods. Anyway, Buffy had some really ropy episodes up until the midpoint of season 2, and it turned into one of the best TV shows of its time. They've got a solid lead actor, and I think they'll do better once (if?) they move onto serialised storytelling instead of

The coat is worse. Someone mentioned it last week but it really does make him look like he's cosplaying Constantine instead of playing him on a TV show.

In fairness, his exactly wording was 'like 90% of Egyptians', so it was clear he wasn't completely sure of the figures. I'm aware he was using this as proof that beliefs such as 'death to apostates' are more common than we might think. Whether this belief is indeed more or less common than we think is irrelevant. It's

I'm not really familiar enough with Maher (outside of this recent controversy) to comment one way or another as to his arrogance, but having read a couple of Sam Harris' books, he strikes me as a genuinely concerned individual who articulates himself well, argues without resorting to name-calling or hyperbole, and

I don't disagree with the idea that there are a lot of problems with Christianity. There are a lot of problems with most major world religions in their insistence on cleaving to what they believe to be the inerrant word of God (and even more problems in the inherently arrogant assumption that so many of these people

The relative youth of a religion is no more of an excuse than the idea that the US may be forgiven certain things because it's a 'young' country. It's patronising. We're all folk and we all know what brutality, homophobia and barbarism look like.

Affleck waded into Sam Harris' segment with intolerable rudeness, and apparently his self-righteous and misguided sense of outrage lent him legitimacy. Maher responded somewhat more belligerently than Harris did, but I didn't find him wrong in anything he said. The fact is that apostasy is illegal in 23 countries. I

I watched this in a Chinese cinema. When the line 'if you got a blacklight in here, it would look like a Jackson Pollock painting' hit, I was the only person laughing. People thought I was weird.

Also, it's no moon.

Dude, it's Michael fucking Rooker. Guy can talk in whatever accent he wants as far as I'm concerned.

Totally agree. There's almost a complete dearth of 'good guys' who have casual sex in movies just because they like having sex, with no further implications, because apparently movie studios are still stuck in Victorian Morality Mode.

Whedon's cliché-subversion has become a bit tired in recent years, but you can't deny that the humour of Buffy, Angel and Firefly was frequently laugh-out-loud funny. 'The Zeppo' was one of the funniest episodes of TV ever, and it wasn't even from a pure comedy show.

Octopuses or octopodes, but never octopi.

She hasn't. Literally not once.

I think you mean 'I don't want to' was *the* good Eugene line. Unless anyone wants to fight for 'the cure dies with me if I red-ring.' Get it? BECAUSE HE'S A NERD

Hasn't Nowalk played DnD like normal people?