
Dolph Lundgren would be a great Jamie Lannister. He really needs a break after The Fifth Sense fell through.

My sincerest apologies for not going into the depth on that side of the show in the short paragraph I wrote about it. It was, however, very funny.

A- for the first episode, B for the second. I love the extra time and the greater flexibility that show's finding through that - these first two episodes show us that it's found the freedom to work the way the show does at its best, juggling intense weirdness and high concepts with real character work, but this time

I love how this episode plays with the idea that the gang's situation can never change. The Mac plot early on says to us that of course he could never come out of the closet, because he wouldn't be able to go back. But then the Charlie and Dee thing happens and it's just such a completely unexpected event, that must

He's hitting HARD so far this new season. Always been great but he's taking it to a new level. So glad that he's getting some big success with this.

Yeah definitely not the strongest episode, personally I found the creampie stuff very funny, and the flower scene, but the rest of the ep a little lacking especially that dull Dee plot. Still, half way through this has been an excellent season so far overall.

Feel like this show is being given inflated grades just because it's the final season - 'Mrs Ludgate-Dwyer Goes to Washington' was the show at it's most horribly cloying, with overly literal writing and predictable character work. 'Pie-Mary' on the other hand was very funny, at a few points it edged a little close to

I'm gonna wait for the director's cut with four extra seconds dedicated solely to the dong shot.

After watching Mr Show I have no doubt in Odenkirk as a brilliant actor. Very much looking forward to this show.

An A episode without a doubt. Fantastically directed and paced, and while there were times where it went for a while without big laughs, the tension kept going and the jokes that really landed (Frank, chickens) hit me hard.


That change is a huge part of that character though - Frank wilfully indulges in awfulness because having been a smart businessman for so long he wants to experience a different side of life.

Great episode. I was very surprised that they actually went as far as to diagnose Dennis - that's perhaps a questionable move, but one which I absolutely appreciate for its boldness.

Ah, now I understand everything. I remember hearing those songs played close together at some godawful 'indie night' (never again) and being convinced that they were the same song.

I really thought that was an Imagine Dragons song.

Come on, a lot of these were clearly ohs, not woahs.

Wasn't this a Mr Show sketch?

Not sure why this episode didn't really land for me. The Charlie/Mac/Frank plot was very funny with plenty of great jokes, but the other two I didn't really laugh at that much, despite Dennis' plotline having some really strong character moments. The payoff for Dee's plot was entirely spoiled by the episode trailer,

Wasn't prepared for this. Show has stagnated a little (though it was never particularly amazing in the first place) but 'Leslie and Ron' was absolutely fantastic. Without a doubt one of the best in the series, if not the best ever. I can't really think of a better episode, since this show is usually very consistent -

Lots of love for The Nightman Cometh! It's hilarious, but I don't think that's the show at its absolute best.