
A C+??? For the best episode this show ever produced by quite some margin???

Another flawless season from one of the most innovative and under appreciated shows on TV. Bravo Nathan.

Oh, and while I congratulate you on including Titus Andronicus, whose TLMT is certainly the album of the year, the individual songs on it I reckon are just about edged out by this incredible slice of funkiness from Unknown Mortal Orchestra,

Yes those are huge bangers as well, the swagger of 'Lonely Boy' is like nothing else. The whole Magic Morning run (Lookalike to Dimed Out') is an abolutely incredible block and the songs compliment each other perfectly. Seeing them do that in sequence was one of the best live music moments I've witnessed.

The album version has never grabbed me because of the mentioned abrasiveness, but I'm a big fan of the full band live version of it they do. If it was like this on the album I'd absolutely love it.

Glad Titus Andronicus made the list, clearly the best rock band out there right now. Though I would contest 'Fired Up' is the best song on there, 'Dimed Out' is equally unparalleled at what it does.

Thus creating a self-sustaining economy and keeping the money moving!

I'm more excited for the inevitable breakdown of the division between what we call 'TV' and 'film' and the exciting new freedom which that will give artists.

I like Kanye and all but he was really awful at Glastonbury. So if anyone's going to this, I wouldn't get too excited for his set.

Show has been so consistently brilliant this season that it's almost bizarre. Brilliant concepts executed perfectly in every episode - we're watching one of the best sitcom seasons ever here. Even Community season 2 wasn't this strong. So enjoy it while it lasts.

The best album released in ages, and I recommend anyone who enjoys it to explore the conceptual side more thoroughly, because this thing goes as deep as you're willing to look. There are a hell of a lot of connections and interesting points that will go way over your head if you're just listening to it casually.

A film with Charlie Day in it? I'm on board.

Seems to me like the way this arc's being set up can only end in tragedy rather than triumph. That really is just the way Thrones' narratives work.

He nose the truth.

Have you heard 'The Monitor'? This band has scope much beyond what you'd hear in Dimed Out. Highly recommend it if you haven't heard it.

Is this reviewer not even going to attempt to unravel the meta subtext of this episode? Okay then.

Hey did I just see someone slagging off Think Tank? Under appreciated album right there and without a doubt one of Damon's best.

This was just an average, okay episode. Don't know what the review is talking about the budget being decreased, it's definitely higher than last year. While longer episodes is often a good thing, this one felt simultaneously padded and like it didn't go deep enough into its stories.

You can definitely see apple logos on the backs of them when The Dean brings them to the party.

Yeah I loved the guy in Community and Last Man On Earth, he's hilarious, but here he just didn't fit in really.