
Huh. A little too glamorous . I liked how she was competent yet a bit dowdy—not because she was ugly, but because she never "worked" it. Starr and Featherstone always had a Honey and Duke vibe.

It's hard to tell without the actor saying something. It might work if his delivery kicks it. But yeh, it was underwhelming. On one hand, yay, the real antagonist/villian has arrived. OTOH, that's him? Huh.

My copy glitched near the end. And it wasn't a playback issue—it was the file. I missed most of Troy's confession—like a cell phone dropping out, but I got the gist anyway,

It wouldn't be so bad if they included a crazed mainstream Christian church. In fact, given the batshit woo evangelicals we do know of, it's a bit odd we haven't encountered a religious based cult group in the main show. the Termites (terminus) came close, but their nihilism/fatalism was more a reaction to degraded

The people who use birth control the most? Sexually active married couples—with kids.
Yeah, even if you want kids, you don't want them ALL the time or too many. Especially in a low resource environment.

"I have no idea where I'm going but a few papers, a backpack, and a flashlight is all I need to save my boyfriend!"

This. A thousand times THIS. The writer's have to earn that benefit of the doubt. FTWD spent the entire first season doing exactly the opposite.

Probably the same catch with the cure:
"Eureka! Except I can only produce X amount…sorry!"

Ah but Ravi has a vaccine, so sexy times full steam ahead….probably.

Yeah, I thought that as a little hysterical on her part. Now developing a bio agent that only affects zombies, otoh….

Generally agree, but the conflict at the end was sloppy. You'd think military contractors who didn't want to kill humans, would be loaded up on tear gas, stun grenades and non-lethal crowd control rounds.

At this point we're probably grading on a curve. So in comparison to things like Madison lighting up the hotel like a Christmas Tree, the effect is of greatly improved writing.

By bonehead mistakes, i meant things rational people would not do ever, not amateur FUBAR mistakes. Most of that stuff falls under stressed post apocalypse people being stressed.

Pathetic but quite believable.

Yeh, it wasn't so bad. In fact it was kinda good. So what are they playing at with a C rating? They've rated dreck better than this. I can't recall any boneheaded stupid thing that happened all episode. Also too, we were able to follow two separate plot lines at the same time. Progress!

Yeh, to be fair there's nothing wrong with Lowell, but some things you can't fight…

Yeah, that is problematic. Gotta find you're own way, kiddo…

That sucks. Be kind to yourself and fast forward. Or just skip that sode. I rewatched Buffy a year ago and skipped a couple episodes total. No one will report you to the Fandom Police !

Nice to know.

Oh dear…He's a scilon? Here's crossing fingers he'll snap out of it one day….