
I wasn't very happy with the writing vis-avis her situation. Liv, et all are like, "Eh, what can you do" when this is a clear case of human, er, zombie, trafficking, no just "oh she decided to go on the game for some quick cash". With a side of victim blaming.
I am perhaps more sensitized about the issue after

Remember that other guy Veronica Mars was dating? Me neither. He never had a chance with Logan in the room.

I agree. And the teeth would be making noise, like a rattle, trying to bite:
snap, snap, rattle, snap.

I still need to get around to reading WWZ. I saw the film, which was good for a film—but no effing way would most people survive super speed zombies. That would be like be swarmed by alien xenomorphs and Ripley shrugging: "Oh it's only the hives drones."
I don't know what the producers were thinking.

Welp, they've been handwaving all sorts of potential health problems "because healing factor" for decades, going so far as to imply Logan is potentially immortal because of it. It's a bit odd someone decided this was the line in the sand….

Yeh, but this isn't science…this is nuts and bolts, "think it through" common sense. This is teh sorta thing we used to mock ol 70's genre shows for. remember the Venus drug thing in Star Trek that didn't just make women more "desired" but magically fixed their frazzled hair too?

Well, Cameron always said he intended to come back to it.
RIP Travis: here's hoping your life as a blue alien is much better.

dunno if I have that much will..

Okay, I assumed Strand was hallucinating….huh.

It's a great scene but….if the head is severed, how can it make noise without lungs for air to suck in and out of?

So, for those who watch Colony, any bets Maddie is Burke's long lost sister?

Checkov's Monster Man. Cuz you know, with all this promise of longevity, .00001% go nuts or something.

"Porch monkey is not racist! My grandma said it all the time!"

Maybe when I finished my current overdue writing projects. We'll see…

Lord help us.

Yeh, probably.

It's not just for lite shows, but it's actually a real life way of dealing with stress. Making jokes in the face of danger isn't just for superheros, it's the basis of gallows humor. It's isn't just dull the characters don't do this, it's odd and unrealistic.

Is it time for the mid season finale yet?

Completionists: having a pathological need for closure from their entertainment.

I felt it was a bait and switch. I have trouble believing a prepper compound, no matter how well trained, could be mistaken for a legit military force. And those people looked and acted like military. Now it's possible when things collapsed, troops from the local base were abandoned and joined the preppers. But