
We all threaten to rage quit but are still watching next season….

Ah you never read the comics. We all knew Lori's days were numbered unless the showrunners made deliberate changes.

Furthermore, her dead was foretold in the source material at about the same plot point she was offed on TV. So less bold, and more just following canon.

Welp, thanks for the info.

If one of those wounds was from a zombie, then his decision to fall makes much more sense.

Oh is that why? None of it made sense to me and I was chalking his bad decisions up to shock.
and as someone down/up thread mentions, it was hard to make out anything with the dim camera work.

Strand should just keep the lie simple—"I had emergency EMT training but never got a degree". That sorta thing. Keep expectations low, hope the placebo effect makes up for it.

Oh you know they won't keep Bruce that way (I say not having watched the season finale yet). But yeh, Gotham is a mess. Yet somehow, in spite of the odds, they manage to pull their fat out of the fire in time for renewal. I credit/blame Robin Lloyd Talyor.

I support this system of government. At least while Troy is still breathing.

And there goes my temptation to try the show out. I have trouble enough re watching Firefly at this point.

Yes, we know. We can hear you.

God I hope this is snark.

Yeh, I actually enjoyed the first hour. The second had it's moments and was okay..up until Madison gets a fanatical gleam in her eye and started going Ricktator for "reasons".

"He's really swinging that cinder block around like it's nothing."
I noticed this. The block looks real, and the actor looks capable of swinging a real one, but no way was THAT a real cement block. Cast foam, I'm guessing. He should have practised with a real one before shooting. Or FX should have made it heavier,

I toyed with the idea of writing a story actually based in the post apocalyptic rebuilding phase of a zombie "apocalypse"(is it an apocalypse if you can recover?). The Grr Argh zombie bits would be mostly flashbacks. My motivation was to put a stake in the heart of this nihilistic idea "Aigh! Zombies! We're doomed!"

Upvoted for "random safety dumpster".

Fair enough.

That wasn't ice cold. Ice cold would have intent to hurt. This was just cold.
We don't have to like it, but it's a fair call from her prospective.

Everyone forgets ANY role-playing system can be DM/GMd as a rich multilayered storytelling experience or a munchkin pillage fest. Admittedly AD&D is the most notorious for munchkin-ism, but that's because it's associated with hack n slash. Part of the DNA is violent escapism. But the other part of its DNA is

Well, he's definitely seeing double lately….