
So…annoyed with Barry Allen, are we?

But when the flashbacks are mediocre and interrupt the improved pacing/plotting of the show, I completely see how they came to be hated. Frankly this season's flashbacks were only tolerable because of Anatali(sp).


I'm too tired to remember a witty Spike quote. But imagine I have and have posted it right now.

Cavemen vs Astronauts? was the best. and, of course, Spike is right….

Must disagree. Spike with a soul was always tweaking Angel about letting his hair down. Perhaps you didn't follow the character when Marsters joined "Angel". That is the distinction between the two: Spike does not brood.

I think the reviewer isn't wrong about the pacing and 90 mins would have been the perfect solution.

You're not wrong. Personally I'm keeping fingers crossed for a GOP implosion. Burn the disease out like a fever. It would be bad at first, but then it'd get better.

Goldfish libelz!

And the dumpster fire burns hotter….

If Trump's guilty of espionage/treason/whatever, Pence has to be too. He can't have been out shopping or doing his hair every time they spoke to the Russians. And if he was, he's too incompetent and out of touch to take over.

Upvoted for 'Once More With Feeling' reference. The reviewer was right about Killian's song—it was a very good number, but should have had an edge to it, like Spikes's "Rest in Peace". More so, actually: Spike was singing about the Slayer was toying with his feelings. Killian's singing about revenge.

They really haven't given a cogent reason WHY Killer Frost is working with Savitar—beyond "because evil". It's the weakness of the Snow/Frost drama. Killer Frost—once you get past her FX superpowers— is kinda boring. What's her motive? Either she's Caitlin without a conscience—which means she'd still be interested

This is beyond wibbly wobbly timey wimey. More like fractured and bipolar. What could Future Barry's motivation be to kill Iris? This would have made so much more sense if Savitar was a reluctant villain, who like the reviewer/someone said, had to kill Iris to prevent a worse fate. But this guy is "bwahhahaha crew

-Future Flash stupidly steps out of his suit, the only thing that allows him to go super super super fast without burning up or whatever. Barry stands there and does nothing.

Yeah, a friend of mine reminded me this is all Eldritch Creepy Tech. We kinda forgot about the Darkhold during our little Matrix side adventure. Even if Aida succeeds it will be all "Monkey Paw" careful what you wish for, doubly so if we try to "bring back" anyone we care about out of the Framework.

That would actually be good storytelling. And if Daisy starts to fall for Ward Mark II, we'll never recover.


It probably is *sobbs*, and not just for him, but for Hope and Tripp no matter how much we want them…

Thank you for that reminder! Though I think Aida might prefer a flesh model….