
But hasn't real Fitz been going through all this shit too? So we'd have Real Fitz with a memory of being Evil in the Framework and Framework Fitz in a real body…there are other problems…like Aida can't just wipe all the information about herself and the real Fitz in the real world and Evil Fitz will find out.
I'd be a

Assuming there aren't glitches. Otherwise Mac might stay in the framework….

I agree. Now convince out heroes.

Yeh, probably something like a mental overwrite, but of course it won't take and Fitz will be more confused than he already is.

Yes, I agree, but the characters aren't sold. May Mark II had to sacrifice herself to save people before she was believed. That's a pretty steep acceptance curve.

This was a Red Dwarf XI episode "Officer Rimmer"

I think everyone's gonna be scarred:

How would that work? Obviously Fitz has his own body, so she'd be tampering with his mind?

Even if there are micro fractures, it takes a while to be a problem and Daisy and Co aren't planning on staying the the "Matrix" longer than they have to.

Yeh, that was a nice touch.

I really hope they stop milking tension between Kara and Lena with Dramatic Misunderstandings. "Oh noes! Will this apparent betrayal turn Lena Evil and/or against Kara for Reasons?"
The idea of Lena being evil is boring, writers. Just drop it.

Upvoted for #3.

These peeps going on about how surprised they are at the violence…this is a tale about Logan, not Scott Summers. My complaint is he hasn't been violent enough in the films to match the Logan I know from comics. Finally they got it right.

I'm a little fuzzy on the last two seasons, but I got the impression Blaine's source of nastiness was in part due to being raised by nasty or at least emotionally cold people. It's not impossible, like Ward in the Framework(AOS), without his memories he's become a better version of himself? Not necessarily "good",

Oh there's nothing wrong with a 'wow' factor. But worshipful is just unhealthy. This is probably more down to writing more than anything else….

But they're ALIEN rocks!

And that its the basis of a fanfic crossover somewhere….

Quarry's rule. You can run all out and not have to slow down because the set corridor is only 20 yards long.


Sputter —- what! Sputter?
Capaldi leaving? Clearly I must consult the Googles on this most unwelcome disturbance in the Force. Capaldi was BORN the play the Doctor, perhaps more so than Tennant. Or they were born to play different doctors. WHATEVER. he should have a spin at enjoying the role first—not just