
Bill is a great addition. Rose Tyler should have been saying "Doctor What" from day one, but she was too in awe. Companions work best when they challenge the Doctor, not worship him.

"Aida Palpatine "sounds good, but "Darth Fitz" sounds like a parody WWII film:
"It's Darth Fitz! We're done for!"


True this last episode of Evil Fitz was a little rich. But he's still got that Jason Issacs/Lucius Malfoy thang goin on….

You have issues. But I think Evil Fitz is hot, so I can't judge.
I'll be in my bunk….

You know what the real twist is? The actor is not wooden as Better Ward. WTF? Did he have a creative block when he first played Ward because he knew his character was going to double cross everyone for Dramatic Reasons?

I have to say Evil Fitz is really hot… more so last episode when the ramifications were more theoretical.

I'm actually going to feel a bit for fake Ward…who by some strange twist is better than Real Ward ever was.

Totally Darth Aida and Senator Leopold Fitz Palpatine.

Re Ward/redemption:

"-They are absolutely not being subtle with real world parallels within
the framework and I don’t have a problem with that at all."

That's a good point. I think he was sincere about being sick of being a rat… It just doesn't change the fact he's going to continue to be a rat if that's the safest option.

That would be nice. I'd like to think Jennifer isn't dead…

I was jumping up and down when I saw that on Wikipedia last night.
I almost never do that…

He did actually, or words to that effect. I just expected, once the Bowmans had bowed out, the Redhats would skeddadle. It's not like they can't just walk through the door…. Only probs would be the ones with familiy would have to wait for them to arrive—DO NOT LEAVE DOOR UNATTENDED—but yeah, I kinda expect some

Thank you. I thought I was going nuts. If it was at the beginning, my copy might be cut….

I suspect Maddie will be a vehicle to explore what the Factory is and how it works. They were sorta doing that with the resistance guy last season, then dropped it suddenly.

I assumed glassy crater last week too, but they really want to search for the Gauntlet. Of course there are Holocaust parallels—that what "going to the Factory" means—it's a work camp in space that will apparently kill you from unsheilded radiation poisoning, at least from what we saw last season. So no glassy

Honestly, does he look like the kinda guy who wants to wander the feral wilds, away from modern conveniences and a wet bar? I was disappointed, but it made more sense than "Gosh guys I'm tired of being the weasel no one trusts".

Dammit! Stop with the spoilers already!