
I'd have been okay with it.

"Nobody claimed he was some criminal mastermind,"

That's pretty hardcore! What was she, mafia trustbaby?

Oh come on. The last 10-15 minutes were good here. I mean, TIGER!

Shiva rules. More Tigers in TWD please.


That turned me against him too. I thought he was just weak, but damn…Enjoy your time at the Factory, dickwad.

So much potential wasted. At least it ended on it's own terms.

As you say, what we know is thin. But we do know this about the Factory:

That is very interesting. If you have a link to docu's would be appreciated.
Think I burned through all of my "Hitler" docus…

I hope not. I'm liking the hard-ish Scifi tone. Though for ease of plot I think it's reasonable to assume the Hosts have FTL or some sort of "jump/portal" drives.

Nothing on their wiki page. I think they're going to let us bite our nails for months this year. Also too, there are rumors of a SAG strike.

I wondered if the defecting Rap might be hacking the system. Obviously can't save everyone, but they would know about Broussard as the pilot's contact. But there's no clear reason for it to know about Bowman, unless I'm missing something. So It's probably something to do with the hosts wanting their bodies…in a

I think viewers gave it an A a couple times. But yeah, the reviewer is a right stingy so and so…

I'm imaging what it would be like to have tears right now.
Who are we sad about again?

I'm not as judgemental. Her son had a life threatening condition and she was given a fake alien spiritual experience. Plenty of humans have been conned or easily manipulated in less extreme conditions.

Week before last, when Broussard was waiting in the blackjack's vehicle, I paused where he was looking at profiles. Will Bowman is marked as having a tolerance for CO2 and C3H6O3(lactic acid). Off the top of my head these mean nothing, but there's probably a plot point later.

Glassy crater, here we come!

Lol, sorry. But in this case it is relevant. That's what makes JDM sell of Negan tough. Another commenter up/down thread did clarify JDM was cast at the last minute AFTER getting super lean for a previous role. Explains everything. If he looked like he did in Supernatural, we wouldn't be having this convo.

Well, that explains much.