
Nope, it was "all hoist by your own petard" and just deserts irony.
Just deserts ironic petards. That should be a thing.

His death was strangely poignant for me—there was a tragedy and poetry almost completely lacking elsewhere in the show.

It's nicer to think they just don't know what they're talking about, but you're right.

Just Googled to check. Yes. It's still painful for me to see her lack of biceps. We're about the same height but I'm buffer than she is—and I'm average height and average build for an amateur lifter. (I know we've have these convos before). The Romans clearly record the Celts as being tall and imposing(probably

He's a fine actor. I think you're closer on the miscast part, specifically he's lacking the physique to pull it off.

I loved how these Ninja Zombies were always about to shuffle silently through dry leaves in the woods, never tripped up by tree roots or stumps.

Fer realz? But why?

Ninja Zombies, man. They're everywhere.

Crap. I skim the grade to see who I'm watching first, TWD or OUAT. Current viewer grade is a D+.
OUAT it is.

People who are confused or very young/inexperienced at Real Life. It doesn't help in the comic IIRC we only met one of the women "agreeing" to this, and frankly it was portrayed so emotionally distressing I'm still baffled at how Kirkman can be confused. It would have been okay if NEGAN was clearly portrayed as

Kirkman being one of them, at least as of the time he wrote the original.

Chris. You're thinking of Chris. Never forget…Chris is/was AWFUL.

Part of the blame can be laid on Hollywood executive culture that for years, contrary to all evidence, were convinced they will lose viewers(aka ad $$$) with smart Sci-Fi. These are the same people who promoted Terminator as a B-action flick because sci-fi = STAR WARS in their brains. It has taken literally decades

Finding out as much about Alien physiology should be on the priority list. As you say, they seem planet shy, but mebbe the humans can deliver some biological agent once they know what makes the Hosts tick.

This is clearly a very important issue for you. Hope you're enjoying the show too.

"Having sex with Bram doesn't mean she gave a shit about him."

That's the one problem with the Red Hand's strategy: if they only operate in LA, the aliens might just say fuck it, pull out valuable personal, and turn it into a glassy pit like Dallas.

This is where the Red Hands, as far as we know, are weakest. Without knowing WTF the Hosts want with earth/humanity, they have no idea if that will work. This is what Broussard and Co are strongest, which makes sense seeing as Broussard is ex military and the Red Hand is run by a passionate outraged partisan mum

I put is down to more a difference in a way of thinking and they may not be cluing in to what makes us "tick" or how we structure ourselves socially(as distinct from social organizations/governments). They kinda assume if the put a leader in charge, the rest of the herd will follow. Those that don't you kill. While

You make a lot of good points, but I think there's still room for her BOTH recruiting him AND caring about him.
This bit however:
"If she was indeed in love with him she would have been conflicted about her suicide-mission."