
Damn. I wanted a pretzel.

> This is now the Matrix Part 3.

It would have helped a lot if she had NOT, tossed the gun aside
"Making a Moral Statement" and had instead kept it….

I have a weak spot for Krystal. My only objection is they really need to get her on board properly—the Big Cosmetics Conspiracy is a laugh, but it's run it's course.

Seriously? You're a higher than average intelligent member of a tool using species. Surely there's a sharp bit of metal/something to destroy/take apart/cobble into….whatever.
Hell, threaten to set the place on fire, even…

At least a less cranky one.

I'm actually a fan of the 1st Doctor. Every cantankerous moment, in every incarnation since, is rooted in Hartnell's performance. And for those people who whined about 10th/11th romance(s) being a new thing , the 1st Doctor had a romance with an Aztec woman, IIRC.

Man, I did not have enough popcorn for this subthread. The idea of Rowling "pandering" to anyone is hysterical. She's pretty feisty, J.K.

Put em on my tab.

I'm not sure where those are in the main collective, but many Uncle Duke specific strips up to the late 80s are collected in "Acton Figure":

Totally agree. Some people were okay with a "slow burn", and that would be fine, if the show wasn't based off a comic that is one long ROAD TRIP. IMO setting up should have taken half of S1, and the rest could have been done by flashbacks. I know fellow Arrow fans may be flashback adverse(Thank God they're over!)

Imagine a room full of monkeys and typewriters…

Hard to get good demons these days, you know? They're all about torturing the dead and dealing souls, but no one's willing to take responsibility to keep shit running, dammit. And don't get me started on what's living in the breakroom fridge….

To be fair, the character is from Texas. My impression of Tulip was she was far from generic in the source material(perhaps for the time it was published?), what with learning how to shoot at a young age and being a crack shot.

In the source material, while it's true Cassidy has issues, it's heavily implied becoming a vampire basicly enabled him, in that he's virtually immortal, hard to kill and so has no motive to think through consequences before he acts. Nothing surpernatural, he's got a soul and all, it's just impossible for him to hit

The kittens started it? O_o

It sounds like Preacher isn't your thing…and that's okay. Trust me, in some ways the TV adaptation is much milder than the comic. I expect they'll do the same thing they did with The Walking Dead, soften some stuff to keep the time slot.
But I agree about Jesse—in the comic he waited until someone was a real dick

Completely agree about Jake. Alicia was spot on about how he can't rely on the rule of law, cuz that ship done sailed, boyfriend. Jake doesn't have the killing edge Troy does, and he needs to get it or he'll be dogmeat.

That's right, bring out the big guns: The Strongly Worded Letter/Email/Comment. That will show them!