
It looks that way, but did she? She didn't set HIM up to die like the other one. If she was using sex JUST to recruit him, I think she'd have done that earlier, not the night before she went kamakazi. Women also too enjoy a last boff before checking out.

I was getting annoyed with these art film style white on black names on the screen. I understand they didn't want to lose the viewer, but it really was irritating and I doubt it helped. That said, it was 5 seconds ish total, so whatev.
Snyder is really written well. Also too, I'm enjoying Helena more now it's clear

But the point about leaving prints stands. Is this a writting over sight? Is there supposed t be so much blood, there are no usable prints? It's a good question.

It's not like they have a lot of "customers"…

I shall be very cross if they don't renew after Shadowhunters was renewed, and that is a far less well crafted show. I tried it but didn't get past episode 2.

I think you might be confusing Maya with the Red Hand leader's daughter. Maya didn't strike me as twisted—at least no more so than any French partisan during WWII. If anything Maya and her group seemed to be very level headed for Red Hands. But, the leader's daughter and her weird seduction ploy, that was …weird.

OMG, that kid.

To be fair, we don't know what state the crime labs are in these days. Still, he could have used a glove. Kinda surprised they didn't have latex gloves in their kit, if only to hide prints during B&E.

I just got around to seeing it after I somehow missed it in my feed. I share my copies with a friend and catching up , she was going on about how they just need to stop GROD episodes. And oh how….

Ah, well that's because the writers don't want to get boxed in unless the actor(s) are really leaving the show. So because of Plot. The same reason no one else for miles around can figure out how to shoot Negan dead from a distance.

Agree with everything except the cellar checking. That was legit because Maggie and Darryl could have been found.

On the bright side no way is TV Jesus as bad as TV Andrea. TV Jesus is a likable person. But yeah, he needs to up his ninja/kung-fu/superskillz to catch up with comic Jesus.

"(Unless they’re going to do a fake out and have it be Dwight, I guess.)"

Nah Eugene just wants safety in a "sure thing". Right now that's Negan. If Negan falls, he'll bounce back to whomever. On screen this is pretty consistent with his character. I can't remember him bucking this bias for something like a principle or someone he cares about. And I'm assuming that's "yet". Even with

And those have got to be the two most impatient assassins EVER. Granted they couldn't have staked out forever, but 12 to 24 hours, waiting for another shot(pun intended), is perfectly reasonable. Boring as fuck, but reasonable. There was even two of them to keep watch while they waited.
Oh well.

BTVS. Also years ago. But you said dramas and technically that's a genre show. But so is Colony.
It is a bit odd they're getting the kids alright. Just the teens that get mishandled. Maybe it's the writers misguidedly trying to appeal to what they think teens are?
Dudes, stop trying to be meta and just write a

Maybe Bram can team up with Chris from "Fear The Walking Dead" and they can both be aweful in a post apocalyptic alien invasion zombie spin-off series.
Except Chris is dead. Oh well.

Speaking as someone with a "challenges" in my teen years—raised self mostly, stayed out of trouble and enlisted at 17, and no we are not unicorns—I'd be more sympathetic to Bram's situation if he was clearly trying to improve his lot in rational ways—like we do IRL, even if he didn't always succeed. No, being self

It's like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" never happened. I can't remember one stereotypical angsty teen on that show. Sure, there was angst, but, like IRL, it was a mix of real issues being handled by someone who's new to the issues and intense emotions, and is handling it badly, not "angst because of reasons".

So, when Burke is making a "point" about the attitude he "used to get from guys like you", I was thinking, That's because you're an ASSHOLE. Nothing to do with "Internal Affairs".