
This is where Colony is strongest—honesty giving the shittily bad but realistic answers to "what if". And people do try to be noble, but there's a limited window for that to work. See the failed rescue attempt. Had he immediately gone with Katie, he'd be free. OTOH its perfectly rational of him to question these


Let it go….

"How To Serve Man" - Top Galactic Cookbook Choice of the Millennia for the Last 5 Eons!

A BIG one.

You have good points here. But it is very unlikely a civilization has developed FTL travel, anti grav power and somehow is so far behind in biotech engineering that they have to use their FTL travel to swipe genetic material from an alien species. And we still don't have clear indication they are carbon based,

You love the film. Yay. I get it. There is a lot that could of worked. The fact is it didn't… for me. The film was supposed to be this great meaningful metaphor for oppression. But that was not the film I saw. I saw well meaning pretentious crap.

This brings us back to their tech level. If they have drones, they can make robots to do their labor.
If they're at the level they can install mile long prefab walls with anti grav loaders, surely they can genetically engineer themselves out of whatever biological problem they have.
I think they're suspended

He should have been blown up(imploded down?) when the building his old unit/company was hanging out in was destroyed. So there's a possible plot hole. Presumably he used a fake ID to join the Red Hats—I'm forgetting if anyone called him by his name as a Red Hat. If so, definite plot hole. He was off the radar

Not to be too snarky, [deleted snark - let's just say you're not the first person to say to the under-impressed, "did not like the film = did not get the film"] .

Thanks. I'm about to watch and that was what I was dreading. But if Negan's toned down, or better yet , lost in the background—or, or, run over by a truck? I'm okay.

Thanks for reminding me about Arrival.
I was one of those fans who found "Independence Day" to be way too Hollywood, and "District 9" an excellent concept that was awkwardly executed. And "Contact" to be a okay, if a bit existential for my taste. So Arrival seems to be good; it'll be interesting to see if the

I didn't know there was going to be a quiz!

RIP Betsy: we never knew you.

Okay, kinda remembering Snyder saying that last. This could be what he knows. And let's face it, he's not a Walking Dead survivor type so that could just mean there's no indoor plumbing(snark).

I'd forgotten that bit, thanks. Will will have to gently re-frame it. Cuz this acting out with Lindsey is too damn dangerous.

Which highlight the question: what do they need humans for if they have robots?

IMO this is one of the weaknesses, unless we learn more. The Hosts either have FTL drive or something that does the same job, and they don't have robotics?

Back in another life, when I thought UFO might really be alien space craft, this was one of my adventure fantasies—steal one and go Han Solo.

That's down to lack of resources and correctly sussing it isn't safe to use things like dams to generate power. Assuming they still operate. Could be surviving humans went underground/dark? If the Hosts didn't hunt them down, it's unlikely they got ALL the humans outside the Colony cleared.