
I'm reading at Wonkette it might be the beginning of the end of the reign of Alt-Facts. Don't want to hijack the thread; anyone interested can go here:

Guess everyone reacts differently. If someone tries to push me around or scam me or something, I'd welcome the chance to sock em one and be supported in doing/learning that. It's probably just too soon for Charlie. OTOH he's channelling that rage into subverting Lindsay, which we all support, but gotta fight smart,

Yes, I've wondered what the Hosts endgame is and have basically resigned myself to the writers stumbling into one of the many tired alien invasion trope.If the execution is good, and the metaphor for resistance against a greater power is done well, I'll ignore the shaky premise.

I will be disappointed with the show if it goes in this direction without even trying to explain to Charlie ,"Yes we will resist, but we must do it smartly". Charlie walking away in a huff was the only down note in this episode. Why the fuck would he do that? He just escaped Fagin's Academy for Traumatized Street

That's where I got my moment of sympathy. I'm forgetting Burke's background, but I would guess soldier or cop ,and basically a "company man". Dependable in a fight, is committed to the mission. But not a big picture guy.

My hopes aren't high. They have that "spiritual experience" inducer thingy that Scientology would literally kill for. If I was betting, my money would be down on them doubling down a la "that's only for people who don't accept Jesus the Hosts into their hearts!"

Burke will totally flip to any side that saves his bacon. I started to have a bit of sympathy for him, but then I remembered how he treated Jennifer and I forget her name, the Asian chick who wouldn’t harm a fly. Then I got over it. It isn't just that he's mean, he's incompetent. I was really hoping Will could have

I'm going to defend this part of the plot. If the goal had been just to wipe out humanity, the Hosts have shown they could have done that on day one without blinking. So being surprised the ultimate goal is no humans in the bloc, isn't a stretch. What we don't know for certain is what that means. Are they killed?

At the end of last season it's kinda implied it's been abandoned. I get the impression they wanted to coral humans to blocs to control them better. It's possible stragglers are out there; we know Will's old partner(whose name I've forgotten) is out there. It's probably not too bad, but I expect they have no large

This is why I'm not impressed with the Red Hand(omg how dramatic). Killing people in war is unavoidable. But FFS make it count for something. Anyone can just blow shit up.

Whenever I hear "femizism iz a cult" bs, with no other signs of misogyny, I assume the person probably hasn't entered the Real World Of Work, or possibly the Real World Away From Home. I actually applaud their independent thinking streak. Hopefully with time and maturity it'll be tempered with facts.

Especially if they know, as we do, they now have nothing to lose.

The wimmins could still be out to get you….

Yeah, yeah, whatever. The wimmins are out to get you. Mkay.

For their sake they need to arrange an accident. Perhaps throw a BBQ and Lindsey accidentally falls backwards on a roasting fork—-twenty three times.

I hate everything about her from her simpering smile to her granny style home-spunish cloths. Kill it with fire.

I disagree about Frankie faking. You can't fake the effects of electrocution. I think she got a breather—yay, no pain!— and used her second wind to manipulate the situation so she could commit suicide because she really didn't know what Burke was asking and knew she was dead anyway. So why not die with less pain?

I was thinking this too: hoo boyo, someone's "got some 'splaining to do" to our alien overlords! Silver lining: they'll need to keep people alive to learn exactly how the filthy humans did it. Cuz I'm thinking evil ET pretty much assumed they were technologically invincible. Or have the ego to assume they should

You don't need to reach for cults to explain name changes. Most of these people have lost most of their family and friends and that's reason enough to start thinking of yourself as someone else. One reason I'd change my name in a similar circumstance would be to protect survivors back home, especially if I was

The non standard names are perfectly plausible. Many people use tragedy as a chance to reinvent themselves, though it's unlikely ALL of them would do that.