
It is always the bully's fault; the created the situation in the first place.

Besides , if anyone understands there is no winning with someone like Negan, short of killin him, it's Carol.

It was a good concept but …execution wat?
-Everyone lost their ability/desire to speak in complete sentences?
-Pushing Rick down could have just as easily broken his neck or something else, and then everyone would be killing everyone else. Jeez. Again, the concept was good,but why not just say:
"Prove to use your

Are you kidding? We all deserve that show!

That detail about Aida with Ivan is a good point. It could be explained without the "matrix": the team just assumed Aida was on the sub, when in fact she stayed. It would also explain why Coulson vetoed any pursuit, that might lead to snooping around.

Interesting thought. I don't think it's likely, but I was wondering at the end if both Simmons and Fitz were in the Matrix(let's go with it…), and, due to some fluke, they'd become self aware inside it. Hey, if M.r Anderson can do it, why can't they?

This is all true, so it's possible.

I sorta assumed the "Greatest Day" alien cult stuff was just to brainwash humans into accepting their authority. It's way easier to deal with than a resistance blowing up things all the time. It might also imply a long term strategy of "get to them while they're young". Once they mature, they kill off troublemakers

Okay, that's funni…

The problem is it's an often badly thought out trope.

Could be we're mixing up the main timeline and the flashback S2 started with. When the kid's cell was going out, I was thinking, "wait didn't they use pay phones?" Then I realized it was a flashback.

There's could a method to the madness of letting people use communication devices, perfect way to record and gather data.

I never really disliked Jennifer, but I didn't respect her. I got she was angry over her honey being killed, and I wouldn't expect her to join THAT resistance, but come on, I thought she should be able to support the idea of resistance. But I get her now and she really loved her honey, and who the fuck is cutting

Either of those are good possibilities. I'd go with the first one because she just doesn't seem like she has street smarts. But I could see her as putting complete faith in a higher power and being feeling that she failed it over the slightest mistake. She was pretty fragile when she left.

It's a compelling thought(you read the Watchmen didn't you?), but I'm pretty sure that's not happening here. The Hosts aren't just more advanced: they completely outclass us. Like Death Star vs Ewok outclassed. And the amount of resources needed to build and levitate that wall could not go unnoticed. The writers

I thought Katie was suitably alarmed but restrained. She's trying to not spook Charlie or make him feel like a freak and so I thought it worked. But Charlie was awesome. I know I should feel sorry for creepy Lindsey, but I've known people like her, sleazy manipulators that use their "cause", whatever it is, to

We are definitely missing some pieces of how things work. Given what we know, the resistance should be focusing it's energies on gathering intelligence about the Hosts and finding a weakness(I'd be looking at diseases of some kind—they're not from around here…), not grandstanding in the streets, reliving the French

Was kinda hoping Will would save Jennifer's ass by returning to the job and giving the New No 2 someone else to focus on…oh well.

Well as long as he continues to do a good job of keeping it low key, I'm good. Maybe he's learned his lesson…

Imma between you two. I agree with what you're saying about the point of the show, but like "guy" I will be mightily annoyed if we never meet the visitors. Been there and done that—I rage quit X-files in season 3 or 4.