
Her name was Devon, dammit!

*insert Kellyanne Conway objection about evil blondes here*

I vaguely remember something like that. It might not have been explicit, more implied?

That would be a good twist. Though I'm dubious that tactic would be used on a recruitment center. Maybe somewhere less important.

RIP Devon.


That would make sense. Man that building going was scary, maybe more so because there wasn't a big fireball.

Yeah, it looks like someone else is in charge. And/or they lost their propaganda resources and are switching to plan B. I still think strategically they could have sent their message by just blowing up the station and maybe killing the guards actually in uniform. If for no other reason than people have to survive

Probably? We don't know much about them, but they do think of humans as bugs to be crushed. That usually goes with some ick factor among sapients. But yeah a repair/cleaning drone would be an option.

While it's emotionally effective, I'm not sure if it makes sense as a technological choice? If you're concerned about icky human remains on your wall, vaporizing would work better. If you just want to kill them, a projectile would be more efficient. What we have looks like a cross between multiple projectiles and

I'm interested in how they got off the wall. I assume Will will explain that later…

I know right? There's just an empty hole thinking about her.

Seriously. This show as treated like the red-headed step-child until, after a year. it was grudgingly agreed it might kinda be good. I never understood this. Yeah, it was a bit of a slow burner, but there was nothing WRONG with the show. It just wasn't resonating with some, and that's okay, but OMG it was like

It's like food: it can't all be pizza and ice cream. Sometimes you need that steak dinner with all the trimmings.
Then I was one of the weird kids who preferred extra helpings of real food before or instead of after sweets…

Colony is such a SciFi gem. It's not hard HARD SF like "the Martian", but it's not soft either. Not that I don't love a good space fantasy (Rogue One was Great, btw if you haven't seen it), but it's nice to have a change.

TV Andrea: Gestures dramatically and rants pointlessly

I hear you. Personally it's working for me fine—the characters and acting are solid—but I'd like to know more about the aliens. It doesn't have to be Star Trek infodump, just more clues here and there: do they need the EVA suit or is that to keep us in suspense? What kind of power are they using? this is

Nice to see our "Fagin" got what was coming to him. I really enjoyed that.


Eh, some are uninspired greasy smoke and ash. But this one has bright flames and fireworks. Even when characters are doing stupid, implausible shit, it's entertaining. Except for the Nick/Adalind kissy bits. *barfs*