
I'm enjoying FTWD now, certainly better that TWD with Negan here. But that would have been a very cool concept. Pity it didn't happen.

They can be cartoonishly violent, or they can be an organized force to be reckoned with. They can't be both.
Its an amateur mistake in fiction. This is why portraying Nazis as moustache twirling villains doesn't work. Cartoon villains can't organize shit, much less be a threat beyond a pack of marauders. Which is

The biggest problem in this writing is they have failed to convince us no one has ever considered or plotted or tried to rebel before rick came along. That is, on the face, ridiculous, especially the "motive" that Rick is using. Gosh, murdering Abe and Glenn, torturing Daryl, general assholery and the constant

For the record, many of us hated the comic version of Negan too. It didn't help he outstayed his welcome. That whole thing about Kirkman being in lurve with his creation? I suspect a big part of why the Negan arc got dragged way the hell out. But it is slightly more bearable in book form. Maybe because one can

He's the 'Main Character', dontcha know? Also the 'Leader', because, apparently, they're like Highlanders: there can only be One.

It's kinda like the review said, for Michonne, a highly competent character—who BTW is perfectly capable of wandering back on her own with zombie slaves if she has to—- for her to go along with this idiocy as it's written, they have to give her the Idiot Ball or Busy Work. And count down time until All Out War.

Another thing—if she really hates Negan that bad and she's suicidal, instead of throwing her life away pointlessly, why not throw it away in an attempt to stab, shoot, poison Negan?

I think we've beat the "Negan is an Implausible Warlord At Best" analysis to death in previous threads. You're right. Kirkman doesn't know what he's doing.
The writers are oddly treating this bit of Negan canon like the Holy Grail.
The shooting schedule doesn't allow them to correct for viewer response.
We as

"That was a big confusing waste of time."

Well done and harrowing. After seeing that don't need a bunch of dialogue to explain her state of mind. Though I did think her parents were kinda being flakey: if locking her in the car to wait worked, why not lock them all on the car? But that's a minor complaint.

Probably not. They could have if they didn't drag things out. Or spent less time on bottle episodes and more on the Kingdom and alliance building.

They've burned through so much viewer goodwill, they really can't afford to stop right now. Something needs to happen. I for one would he happy if they burned through All Out War. If they're going to do it badly, get it the fuck over with so I can see if the show will have any merit afterwards.

I'm sorry.
*gives hug*

We are all Bob.

It helps with insomnia?

> Clearly, something was wrong with that round.
Quality control in the Zombie Apocalypse is shite.

Negan's a mind reading Jedi, dude. Think about it. Explains everything.


Doesn't ring a bell here either. IDK

I'm happy for you. Really, no snark. But I have trouble believing you can't see our perspective. I enjoy Gotham now it's embraced camp. But I can totally see why someone would be sick of it. I came close at one time.