
"but the fact that Rosita misses her one shot at Negan from, what, ten
feet away because she hits his baseball bat is just sloppy as hell.
Unless Negan is secretly a mutant with the power to control bullets,
that isn’t great writing."

Well thanks. I really must have been repressing.

Thank you. This is a comfort. You have no idea.

I feel like I'm reading a review from an alternate dimension. I haven't watched yet, but I could swear when I saw Corl in the truck with Jesus he had both eyes. Does he lose it in this episode? He's there that long for it to be doctored up, then unbound? The review just glides over that point. I can't see how any

And if the show's 'Vader' is going to 'Cloud City' someone, shouldn't they have proved to be an actual threat, not just a plucky wannabe?

"We’re supposed to hate Negan, but he’s also very, very good at the only thing The Walking Dead has ever really celebrated: surviving."

I thought it worked because people under stress often do make crazy jokes like that. It can piss off people who have more stoic stress responses; they think the person is making fun of them. So it is a thing that happens so it worked for me.

Didn't notice your comment in my feed until now.

It's sad a group of wannabe Scadians are the only ones to think armor is a good idea…. Hell, even a flack jacket would be better than nothing.

No, no we are not.

The last scene before the returned to reality had a Deathy Hallows feel, as if Oliver had used the Resurrection Stone and his loved ones were giving him heart.

Perhaps someone more familiar with the issue can explain how entertainment Puritanism has moved from suppressing gay characters to suppressing bi characters? I would think if the network is okay with Sara being gay, they'd be okay with her being bi? This reminds me of how Atheists became the most hated "theism"

Wow. But yay for Lotz holding the line.

It's a continuum. Many people are flexible depending on the situation. Others are absolutely not. I'm one. Without men around, I wouldn't have sex with people. My ex on the other hand is 90 straight, but every once in a while, hooks up with men. My guess is Alex is the gay version of myself: 100% gay, but for

Echoes of Willow on Buffy. I never minded she 'decided' she was gay, but her relationship with Oz was real. I guess bi was too controversial even then.

IIRC Frank Miller made it more reasonable, like he does that ninja world tour during (after?) his college years. Bruce has to have a college education. Course, that doesn't preclude arranging some…interesting summer school arrangements.

I think he made that himself.

He did take out that bully in season 1(?). But it was a while ago.

It shouldn't be a big deal to convince Lee. Jim saw the knife fall into the water. The cops arrived. They'll retrieve the knife, even if they have to drag the lake(river?). It'll have Mario's prints on it. Open shut case.
Except….this is "Gotham".

But then we're back to why not kill the girls over 10 too, or kill EVERYBODY?