
The 'within walking distance' bit was admittedly exaggerated. I agree in this case there's no reason not to think they went further afield. But I'm with the review as far as wondering why no one or few people have struck out further, if for no other reason than to connect with relatives after the disaster. This is

Making it ironic they are, TTBOMK, the only group who use spears and other long handled weapons regularly. Which should be a no brainer when fighting a enemy that can infect you.

I don't claim my memory is any better, re the comic, but I do think for the TV adaptation, the best thing they could do for the show is directly build up to All Out War, to keep the viewer's terminally flagging attention and get it over. I really think this is one of those times the medium has shown us all it needs

Seriously. Also, clement weather, very little extremes of hot and cold. It's like they're wandering in circles. Sorta made sense to begin with, get somewhere, hole up and build resources. But once they lost the farm, they should have starting thinking long term.

Nice one. ;)

As a fan of the concept, I kinda glad they don't do this. It's easy to do very very badly. And keep in mind, much of the Greek concepts of how Matriarchal/matrifocal societies would work, were misogynistic propaganda. Like the whole cutting off a breast to use a bow thing. Hard eye roll, no one who ever really saw

"But it’s tough to pull off this kind of expansion this far into a show’s
run, for a variety of reasons. The most obvious, and arguably least
important, is simple plausibility: each new group one of the
Alexandrians discovers within walking distance of their home base robs
the series of the loneliness that defined its

In the most improbable, serial killer, super powered way. At night.
*yawn* Sorry, I'm not giving the bad writing any benefit of the doubt at this point.

Making it even more improbable IMO. There would be an abundance of fuel [ :P] to run around picking up tribute, run around chasing down deserters, run around punishing Ricktaors, run around presumably doing other shit that needs done AND keep the generators running, apparently whenever they want?

Realistically, that's a whole lot of man power to watch people. I get what you're saying, in story as it's shown, yeah, they probably are being "watched". Because, why not. But, realistically? Please.

There's historical precedence for this in the Old West. Forget the details but some towns literally up and moved overnight, given the right provocation. I think it was land use or some such? Too lazy to Google….

I could see that actually. Gregory is a coward and a control freak. He doesn't want to look any weaker than he needs to in front of Mini Negan. If Gregory was dealing with a reasonable authority figure, sure, he'd do like you say. But that's likely to make Mini Negan suspect Gregory is

But he's been, um, neutered, so to speak.

At full power? Not deposed, and imprisoned? God help us. I hope you're joking.

Oprah tried to address this, the people who were "But I don't like her!"
"You're not inviting her to dinner. You're voting for president."

I respect where you're coming from, but it was a pretty good episode. Well, it didn't have Negan in it, heh…
I'm dealing by only watching eps after I read the review. This is 180 degrees from all my other viewing habits(I was the big geek that sat one row ahead of my friends, in the first row of the theatre, for my


petrol= petroleum ="gas".
Divided by common language. ;)

The entire setup starts to have holes the more one thinks about it(mostly because of being sick of Negan already). Like why is Negan's "lair" such a big hairy secret? How far away can he actually be considering petrol is a valuable, and more importantly limited, resource? Petrol lasts indefinitely under ideal

Which you can see coming 10 miles away…making the insistence on getting there at the plot pace of an arthritic snail maddening to say the least. It won't be "surprise!" so much as "Thank God that's over".