
They need to increase the plot pace by 1000%
Hell's yeah, but…. SPOILER: not gonna happen. :(


I think the writers are tacking so close to the comic on this plotline, they're forgetting what it looks like to someone who didn't read the comic. I actually can't remember if the subject of running away came up. And I can't check just now; I've read them all, but don't archive them or own the books.

God save us from "meta plotting". Once the writers lose a sense of the core of their story and start making creative choices based on what they 'think' the viewers will like best, they're lost. It's a like a parent who wants to be popular instead of doing what's in the best interest of their child. Not that we're


I'm looking forward to watching this episode. That will make 2 so far this season. Heh.

I like the way you think. Sadly building resources in the ZA is hard enough that fighting for what you've scrapped together makes sense if you can. But yeah, if it was a choice between scorched earth and saving Glenn and Abe, burn it all down.

Oh yeah. Agree. Do not want.

I agree on that last: problem is, he's part of creation whether he likes it or not. He dreams( in the hopeful, imagination sense, not the sleeping sense), desires, etc. The Endless basically manage how reality works. Unless Lucy leaves the creation(which he ultimately did), he doesn't get to be free of the effects

Well, all things die, so Lucy can rage all he wants. Won't help him. But I legit do not remember this:

They would definitely have to do it right or not at all. Death is a perky Goth, who's genuinely warm , takes an interest in people and is nice to everyone…in a way you can afford to be if you are actually Death. Because of her "cool" image it would be too tempting for a less worthy writer to make a snarky hot Goth

I agree it was very hand wavy. It's understandable Lucy wanted to keep it as quiet as possible, but Dan was making a racket. I really did hope Dan's sode would lead to the Masquerade slipping for him. Perhaps it will, when he has a chance to think it over.

Hmm, ok you might be right. Dan didn't leave permanent damage to question, so that would explain it.

If only we were writing this train wreck… it would at least be entertaining.

Yeah, but that just around Chloe. Which implies she's something like Devil Kryptonite. Which I'm fine with as long as it has a good reason.

Okay, I see what you're saying. I'd have to rewatch the opening for sure. If you're correct, that implies further annoying plot developments. Just when the show is getting good, the writers are going to "humanize" the Morningstar?
Ugh. So yeah, everything you said.

It would definitely be nice for her to show up at a crime scene. Lucifer would know who she is: "Lady, I didn't except you around..well, I suppose I should have, but I didn't expect to see you. What brings you to this part of the mortal coil?" Cloe would look confused wondering why he's be so formal and deferential

I think he was referring to the Angel of Death, which is not the same person. I always got the Angel of Death was like The Silver City's Mara Jade. Where as Death is one of the Endless and is beyond all this shit. It was a nice touch to make the Angel of Death female, though.

I think that was just taking Illyria's name in vain. Which might not be the brightest of moves…

I was kinda hoping the church scene would be a set up for something; like Lucifer stepping inside triggered a "God" alarm and another emissary from the Silver City was sent. (We haven't heard it called the Silver City, have we?). I'm liking this idea of taking the drama to Heaven, though I don't know how that would