
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I assumed the blade was reacting to Lucy's hidden rage and frustrations , just like it affected humans. The only difference is, being a celestial, Lucy didn’t' go all stabby.
[My copy of show didn't have previews for next week, so I'm missing context]

This is more like it! Gotta love Linda. But I hope she gets a chance to get some answers though. It'd be a prefect way to info dump on how the Celestial world works.
One thing that continues to roll my eyes is Decker still being in the dark. It's getting boring, writers.
Danny forgetting he attacked Lucifer was

I figured. ;) I should probably accept that people are so distraught, the "sarc" tags will be needed for a while. =^-^=

You know, I might forgive Kirkman for all the shit he's put us through if that turns out to be the legit provisional government of the USA for realzies, and they're NOT crazed power hungry loons and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Fair enough. This is definitely a relative thing.

I thought it was only 7 episodes? 48 pages sounds about right. You can, hold on to your hat, watch it on Youtube. This, strangely works for a short comic. Not so much for graphic novels.

Yeah, I was surprised at how quickly that happened. Was kinda expecting a showdown with Michonne over Ezekiel

Whatever happened to Yee Yee?

Okay I gotta call bullshit. If they can't say no, it doesn't matter how "pampered" they appear to be. It's just another flavour of rape. And it is clear in the comics, they can't say no.

You remind me of how Abraham dies in the comics(not bothering with tags because he's dead here too): he's just doing casual recon and an arrow takes him out(basically like Denise on the show). It was a shock because he was larger than life and it was senseless and random. But I was okay with it cuz that's what

Long hair isn't the problem. That would be a default depending on how sharp shears/knifes are. But it should be bound or tied back. That's just for basic visibility. As for lice, sorry, that ship sailed once bathing became haphazard and sanitary products were scarce. We've had body lice for most of civilized

This explanation is likely, though I think it's possible with a low metabolism to make it a couple weeks? Water is the limiting factor.

I also remember two months. It's really pushing it for someone to wake up from a coma and be able to wander around with little help in the first place, but six months? I think he'd have died of starvation.

At this point ANYTHING could happen on this show…

I'm a little more charitable and am sticking around beacuse I care about the characters, but you're not wrong. The Whisperer arc started out interesting, then got more and more improbable. Something has been bothering me about it and I finally figured it out: if a group of humans can "blend" in with walkers by

My takeaway from Here's Negan is he has very little impulse control. Plus he's a bit of a manchild. Which is oddly a let down. I could have told anyone that. I thought there was something deeper, some crucible that convinced him he was the only one with the answers. The character as drawn is not likely to want

Well, agree there should be forethought, if possible. However, practically speaking, Negan's threat is so large, anyone should take the kill shot when they get it.

Yeah, I get the intent. But it doesn't actually work for everyone, not even most people. The most you can rely on is agreeing not to resist to protect family. Most people will pretend to fall in line long before they're broken. And in a world that no longer has manufacturing and dependable resources, its an

Tune snark meter.

It sounds like muted and subtle storytelling, along with the sheer Shakespearean scope of this tale, has missed you.