
Be great if the show goes that route. Alas the comic does not.

A disorganized beast that everyone would just shoot on sight. Yeah, not buying this explanation. If they're ALL "dregs", that doesn't fit with the service/protection angle, at least in the comics where they're shown to be somewhat competent. Hell, even in the show, they're not particularly more dreggy than any

You'll get no argument out of me.

This. Negan either has the adoration of the people or a security the Gestapo would envy. Probably an amalgam of both. Hell, even if I was loved by all my people and had nothing to fear from rivals, I would have a security detail because I'd know enemies/bandits/whoever would take advantage of any perceived weakness.

Wah….that doesn't even make sense.

Oh come off it. You don't get to tell people "not to whine" while complaining(aka whining, at least according to your logic) they’re expressing their opinion. You're just using your opinion as an excuse to be insulting.

Stories flow differently in different mediums. What works in one is hokey in another. I rewatched "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead". Personally I enjoyed it, but many reviews suggested that it should never have been adapted to film, that it is basically a stage play at its strongest. I'm not sure I buy that,

Let me introduce you to "Lucille".


Oh imma watching Barry Allen, faithfully you can be sure! A few stumbles the first episode this season, not sure I'm a fan of the whole flashpoint arc, but some shows wish they could be as good as the worst of The Flash.

Re:Legends of Tomorrow: A surprisingly satisfying and entertaining show in spite of how utterly hokey it is, right? I'm trying to figure out why it works, because in the wrong hands it would have been a disaster.

To be fair, it isn't actually "scott free", but it was very unsatisfying and more than a tad unrealistic. See my and other comments up thread if you haven't read the comic.

I recently rewatched the entire Buffy series, finishing just a couple weeks back. Now what do I do? Well, obviously, I start re-watching Angel, duh. =^-^=

See, do you notice anyone speaking rudely to you? At least not yet? No? Now ask yourself why you're having a meltdown over something you could just skim by. You're planning to rage quit Av Club because people are talking about things you're not interested in? Really?

But its a looong arc and it doesn't look like the TV adaptation is going to make it shorter.

Suspension of disbelief is required in Sci-fi and Fantasy, true, but most of the work "suspending" should be done by the writers. It should not be Bring Your Own Helium for the Suspension of Disbelief Balloon Ride.

Oh god, now I have to come up with another post apocalypse product…
Ironicly, if the writers cared, they could come up with a good explanation: brushing with baking soda/salt or even nothing, combined with very little snack food carbs, might make people's teeth brighter…

Okay I kinda see that. But people inject all sorts of things in subthreads, all the time: history, politics, social commentary—that have nothing to do with the show but somehow affect viewers. And most of us, when seeing a subthread we aren't interested in, simply skim by it. We do not berate fellow fans for off

People who win for good reasons are happy. You don't sound happy. Why aren't you happy?

Oh, you are so right about what the viewers would do. And in a great part if would be, because it was on screen, the obvious idiocy of keeping him alive would be obvious. Leaving aside the revenge factor, they simply don't have the resources, even when the community is more stable, to spend resources locking someone