
I hadn't thought about it until tonight, the parallels to real life and how un entertaining that is, and how that might tank the ratings. People are hurting and the last thing they want to see is a tyrant ours heroes are apparently buckling under. This is something neither Kirkman or AMC could have possibly

Well, the way things are going, Negan might be the one to kill TWD franchise.

Well, I don't mind the conflict , I just don't want them under Negan's thumb at the end of this season. Cuz that's already old.
Edit: okay I did say as a power. I will settle for them not being under his thumb.

I dunno. Some people obsess about laundry during the ZA…

This is why they really should have reconsidered adapting Negan whole clothe from the books. Either:
1. adapt him as is but make his arc brutal and short, or
2. tone the character down to something believable.

Or maybe someone can just shoot him while he's chewing the scenery. Oh yeah, Plot Armour. Sorry.

There, there, it's okay. We got you, man. =^-^=

And other realities continue to bleed together….

Yah, but in this case, Negan really does over stay his welcome, even by normal Big Bad arc standards.

And it kinda goes against their pseudo raison dtre:at last in the comics they were a combination protection racket, keep the roads clear, keep some order and stuff going. You could kinda see a benefit. But so far on TV, they haven’t made the case of people seeing a benefit. And destroying shit just cuz is just

These people obviously do not read the comic. As you say, loooonnng haul.

It's like TWD world has bled into our reality and is taking over. Are we sure Buffy defeated Glory?

Frugal = cheap ass, miserly, mean so and so's, you mean.

Hey imagine reading it unfold in the comics and every time the get a chance to do something reasonably effective… BOOM. Blocked by Plot Armour.

Hoarding shit from the warlord is an honourable tradition going back to at least feudal Japan.

This was win. I died at:

*slow mo shake of head, hair glimmers in soft light*

Lol…there is probably a lot of truth to this.

Ditto here as well.

Negan is waaaayyyy over rated. I was hoping when he got to the big screen something would be done to make him more believable, like they did with the Governor. The TV Governor I could believe people would follow. The comic Governor had another case of "why don't sane people just slit his throat in his sleep?"