
Oh and yes, I have gone without food. Access to the Internets and being relatively educated and informed in a first world country does not preclude a challenging background.

I didn't mean pre-savior, when they were surviving. I mean now, that they're telling people to give them shit and expect to be treated like kings. They'd demand better food, dammit.

Thanks. Found a download and the rest in the usual places. Yeah it's not Shakespeare, but not bad either, except that kid eaten at the end by the zombie that popped out of no where.
Guess ninja zombies aren't just on screen.

I was with you until the last paragraph. I would say TWD can be and has been well written, but certainly not consistently. And that's the source of many viewers frustrations. It can be well written, but isn't always sometimes painfully. remember that scene last season with Daryl and Rick(?) running around trying to

No no no, we just want everything on our hamburgers, the works with real cheese and bacon, but we feel the writers are cutting corners and we get a plain patty on a soggy bun and we're supposed to be happy.

I had the same thought, but I think he was extending "good guys" to mean main protagonists. Also Dexter? I have sympathy for the guy, but he's a well intentioned anti-hero at the most.

Well, I sure missed the boat. Don't know how I missed this comic.
I do know, recently, when Negan talks to the Whisper leader Alpha, he mentions he stopped feeling anything, the implication being the ZA is something he still hasn't processed. So his over the top persona? One massive coping mechanism
Will hunt down

Imma a getting the wankers who really get off on being "saviors" are the typical entitled babies who expect to be catered to. "What? No ready meals? I'm supposed to eat vegetables?" Sure, before they were "saviors" they had to eat their share of grubs and spoiled food, but now? They're going to expect ready

There's the resource issue too. To expand my above comment re banana republics, Negan's "leadership" style could only work with a resource base broad enough to give people a reason to go, "oh well, whatever. At least we're fed and taken care of".

Its doesn't matter how fair he appears. The only thing that counts is complete loyalty and obedience. With people like that, it's never enough. Think he's reasonable today? One day he'll up the ante. And up it and up it. This is why we don't negotiate with terrorists(unless they're white! snark), or bargain

I remember seeing Battle Pope. Looked like good fun at the time, but never picked it up.
At least the wiki summary shows Kirman is capable of a serviceable ending.

And then tell him in detail which parts they liked best.

"keeping him hostage with the threat of cutting off pieces of him if Rick disobeys Negan is powerful leverage."
That is a compelling reason. Still not sure if it's worth the risk. Coral is a better for that use.

Ah. I get you.

Problem is Negan, like many controlling assholes is wrong.
Look up studies of cortisol levels in adopted children. It turns out, put a kid through enough shit, if they don't break, they never will. They will die before submitting. In fact some have:
This is why reputable agencies check

Except Negan is defined by both. If he relied on his "cult of personality" he would have portrayed with bodyguards every where he went in the comic. The fact he feels he doesn't need any, is a defining character trait.
Edit: and franky Kirkman failed to show any credible "inspiration" apart from fear, imho.

I thought he was definitely under weight for the role.


All valid points. I would add that even in the comic, Negan's motives, until recently, were MIA. That has to be an exhausting lifestyle and he doesn't even enjoy the adoration of his masses like the Governor did. We have a peek now,but pity it didn't come sooner. And I doubt t will ever make it to screen.

The problem is they're keeping Negan as true to his comic origins and presumably plot arc, and that never included Daryl. So the writers are juggling keeping Negan true and keeping Daryl period. I agree Negan would have just eliminated Daryl as a threat.