
Getting? And I speak as someone who hasn't yet watched the episode…

Terminus was well done, but kinda had to be resolved quickly because there was no plan of recruiting the group. So they were destined for the barbecue and had to escape before that.

You have a point about why they don't just kill Daryl. Anyone with two braincells knows he will never submit and any appearance is an act. They will never be able to trust him. So yeah, dunno what they're trying to do there.

Yeah, that's the problem. No consistency of purpose. Or understanding if you can't say no(being coerced into a harem) it's only a different flavour of rape. That scene was a surprise because it literally made no sense:
"I've run a brutal dictatorship, including murder, torture and sexual slavery, But I'm arbitrarily

LOL IKR? It was ridiculous!

A Massacre of Negans.

Rick Rolling?

Daryl's the one to do it, like Daryl is probably the only one of the gang who can see though Negan's bs. But Negan has too much plot armour. Remember Daryl isn't in the comics.

Thank you sir for your plot summary. I'm still not watching episodes unless the review/comments confirm they are not complete shit.

Oh he's just misunderstood.

And in the comic he seemed to be seriously bullet proof. I mean sharp shooters would miss him. It was ridiculous, completely "because of plot". You'd think someone who likes to hear themselves talk as much as Negan would make the perfect target.

Yeah, I'm kinda surprised the TV show included that plot point. They have women doing all sorts of non-rapey jobs here. I always got the feeling in the comic Negan's crew was more than a tad misogynistic.

Basically, after he became not reliable, they would. Negan is drawn too broadly for realism. In a world with limited resources, people don't put up with that shit. They can't afford to. Ironically I could see Negan thriving in a modern banana republic.

There are tropes some writers just seem to fall for: two people are in a relationship, ergo drama must be based in relationship drama stereotypes or the viewer's won't buy it. No, no the viewers are sick of it. For the love of all that is holy, give us interesting relationships with minor charming disagreements, but

He was used to winning. I read somewhere people used to power really do make that kind of mistake.

I have mixed feelings. It'd be nice to have her back, but only if the writers can drop Oliver's lethal force sanctimonious double standard, or their obsession with making Helena NUTS. I really like the Huntress comic and found the shows character interpretation disappointing. If I didn't know better, I'd think

Two years later we're doing a lot better on that count, I think. With God and Amara thing settled, Sam and Dean are having to pull together to deal with mortal competition from the UK branch. Frankly this has been a long over due subject to explore. Hunting should nether be exclusive to the States, nor should there

Rats. I thought with the new micro reviews Av Club might take up Supernatural again. But no such luck I guess…

Yeh that's a good point. And he's feeling like shit too.

Not everyone has the same reaction to the strange. She probably would, because she's established as a hyper "rational" character. But to be fair we don't know if she has a faith or no faith, because its never come up. And just because there are super powered beings and they superficially have a resemblance to