
Oh yeah, the TV show is only roughly based on the comic and the character is a completely different person. I wouldn't waste time looking for parallels on the show unless they're obvious.

This is why Jamie adapted to Claire's explanation of her time travel origins so well in Outlander. It's part of his world view to have Faery Magic spiriting away people. Okay, so it's not exactly fairy's, but he has a model to work with. Frank became a complete basket case about the situation and even when he

Source? Cuz it can't be the comics. The Lady Lys looks human. Many demons are insectisoid, so skin is irrelevant. Chorazon(sp?) just looks weird but not flayed. Maze has half a face, but the Lilim are as varied as the other demons on this point.

I completely agree. Lucifer slumming on earth is fine, as is having a devil face, but wouldn't he prefer to show a human friend of his the Lightbringer? It would still be a shock, but it would add what is lacking in the show regarding the subject matter: magnificence.

Ah. I'll keep it in mind if I see it. Now I remember when it came out (2007)and some of the reviews put me off, but I can't remember why. I read the original story, so maybe I was being a snob. But I heard it was a good film on its own. Might check it out.

I actually haven't seen it. You're talking about the 2007 film? What, did the lions roar before pouncing on the deer? That's a common human mistake. Cats never announce they're going to pounce on food. They just do it. Granted lions and tigers have different strategies, but in the wild Tigers might take 20 tries

It's not bad CGI,but badly directed: make the tiger act like a tiger at home, feeling safe, next to her favourite human. In other words, just like a cat. Look at a video on sanctuaries with large cats. Shiva should have been lying lazily on her side, looking at Carol, washing, yawning, looking at Carol again.

And they have an entire episode dedicated to their backstory.

There's a whole comfort girl subplot where Dwight's girlfriend agrees to be part of Negan's harem. That's a lot of his motive. This is confusing because later Negan outright says they "don't rape". But apparently coercion doesn't count? Given the amount of women we've seen in Negan's crew doing regular

Kirkman is in the awkward position of becoming famous and successful so fast he doesn't have a feel for when to defend his intellectual property with more experienced players. I think he finds it hard to say "no". If you read "The Rise of the Governor", which Kirkman co wrote with Jay Bonansinga, its a good enough

Perfect smugglers bar. No one would start shit and everyone's tab WOULD be paid on time.

It'll work better on screen if they tighten it up. Because, Jesus, that tried my patience.

And you've somehow missed this how?

They've kinda slacked off on Barry eating truckloads of food. I understand there's a limit to what teh actor wants to eat on se, bt they could work it into the script:
"Hey, hungry Barry?"

I'm not sure that's a good comparison since, having no powers or weapons, her behaviour can be explained by the fact she couldn't do anything at the time.

Me too! Food good! Eat now?

Yeah, I kinda thought that, then she backtracks? Change of heart? Agree, very strange.

That would make more sense.

Hey I just noticed you're screen name is like mine, except without cats. Coincidence? Or Parallel earth doppelgänger?

The control thing is fine, but guess what: if you try to kidnap someone and they swing a crowbar intending to wound, but accidentally dent your head and put you in a coma, it's still self-defense and still YOUR fault for attacking them in the first place. Not everyone has leet martial arts skills, and few people who