
That has got to suck.

Dontcha know real politicians just hit that big RED button. Only girly boy pansies worry about things like, nuclear winter, fallout and the very survival of the human race.

IKR? That was a major hurr durr moment for him. And how did he plan to hide it from Caitlin's mum? Well, thank God for dumb criminals.

Don't think so. Just a severe case of frost bite, and possibly in need for surgery. Which the writers, because they live in a bubble, will milk Caitlin's character for misplaced regret, even though he was kidnapping her. Or rather trying to.

If you don't stop, I'll break out my cat puns that I saved for Gotham before the supurrrr-rvillian threads died.

Interesting way of putting it. For a while I was put off by the fact Rowling said Lockhart never regained his memories. After rereading the books, I changed my mind. That is what he deserves. Lockhart destroyed people's minds, stole their credit just to make money. HR isn't that mercenary. He'll exploit an

Someone should do a fan trailer.

I was thinking about him. Forgot his name. Back in the old school Doctor Who(3rd or 4th Doctor), there was a timelord who did something similar.

They basically introduce Luke Cage doing exactly this, going about his business only leaping into a fray when he has to. The entire masked vigilante trope is this—the idea you help people without them knowing who you are. I know you're saying you wouldn't want to give up your day job, but there are benefits to

Barry not confiding was just lame. Especially when Patty found out anyway.Did the actress leave the show? It was so strained. I remember the comments from the time. They were strained too! Much straining.

SF romance! Less ripped bodices and more sciency, maybe time travel, I'm guessing. Maybe like Outlander?
Edit: Oops! Wrong reply. This was for Deathmaster, lol.

I am a complete moron for not recognizing Tom Felton. It's been bothering me though, I know that guy, I thought, every time I saw him. The closest I came to awareness was him tattling—so similar to Draco threatening to tell his father. The perfunctory facial hair threw me off. It didn't help I rewatched

There is no reason Cailtin should be "turning evil", trope sightings in the wild aside. That guy was trying to kidnap her. That is a felony. I really wish shows would stop having good character wringing their hands over hurting people trying to commit felonies. It's really annoying.

As a person who conlangs and con-idioms(I don't know if that's a word, but go with it), I would have scripted, "Until Next", or even have it drift, "Until the next." It should be snappy. Then when they ask, "next what", explain, "Oh it comes from the archaic Until Next Communion, a phrase made popular by the

You can tell these are actors because no one tucks in an polishes off their food, ever. Millennia from now when Alien archaeologists view these shows to discover what human culture was like, they'll be saying things like:
Now see the food here. It serves a ceremonial function of socializing but is not to be eaten.

The sad fact is, while in theory diverging from the source material can work, in the current case of Lucifer, it isn't. It sorta worked in the first season, but they're continuing the same mistake, linking Lucifer to the human world and neglecting supernatural world building. I'm not asking for the Lightbringer

That would be entertaining if the writers on Lucifer didn't have this fetish for dramatically depowering their celestial characters. As it is Flash and Caitlin are currently more badass than Amandiel. That would be one embarrassing crossover.
"Um, these are humans, detective? Are you sure?"

Yeh its a stretch she doesn't turn to them for help, especially if she's really concerned about hurting people. I get why she went to visit mummy, but since that didn't work out, I was disappointed she didn't confide in Cisco. Who else is going to make the super cool gauntlets she'll need to channel the frost? Or

Yeah her anxieties are understandable, but she's got the powers = killer merged in her mind. Mum's skype doesn't help: "Don't under any circumstances use your powers that seem to be triggered by stress. DO NOT, repeat DO NOT use powers! Horrible things will happen!! No pressure."