
I think we need a more literary fanbase to pull that off. Right now TWD fandom is evenly divided between old school comic/SF geeks and TV action flick casuals. Not in a bad way, just sayin.

It's been said before: skulls of mush, jaws of steel.

IIRC(and I may not) Kirkman is invested in a permanent apocalypse. This is a problem because he's already established there are stable communities and baring another outbreak, it's just not believable things can't get better.
As far as the show, I wouldn't expect an end to the crisis even after 10 seasons, even if

*on 'talking comments', commenter who explains what they intended to say in comment. when comment continues, new comment is yet another ellipse…*

WhatEVER. ;P

It doesn't work for me precisely because it IS a plague zombie. That's the difference between sc-fi and fantasy: one has rules science inspired, the other might have rules, but can get away with handwaving 'because mystical forces'.

I'm kinda hoping they drift a bit from the source material. Finally watched this ep last night and AMC really brought the kingdom to life.

In the comics they did establish the Walkers were less active in the winter. That's probably why.

Yep, anything between 10 to 20. Now if someone wrote a ZA story AFTER the recovery and reconstruction, that would be interesting. I guess WWZ is going there?

You just reminded me I should read WWZ. Been meaning to, keep forgetting.

I think I'm being clear I'm willing to put up with minor confusion in exchange for avoiding major aggravation. I'm doing this instead of quitting the show. And, if ever I need to actually watch something to fill in the blanks, TPB has my back. =^-^=

I have mixed feelings about that. Great if it's true, but
Didn't they want him to keep quiet and not tell anyone he's talking to them? Seemed like a strange thing to say. Making me suspect they're playing Eugene.

I just watch episode 2. It was great. But there are previews for more gloom for episode 3. I think I'm just going to watch the non-Rick stuff until Rick and gang get their resistance game on.

Yeah, that was what I was worried about. Fire and vampires are never a good mix. A nuke could have vaporised him. And even our human heroes were staring at it for God's sake.

You know, I was one of the few people giving Zach the benefit of the doubt. The kid has been through a lot, maybe he would turn around. But nuking a whole city cuz you're mad at dad? Oh, we are so done.

Woah, this sounds like an extremist SCA sect. I've never heard of them. Bunny Fur Barbarians yes. embracing the lack of hygiene? No.
No Scadian goes this far. At least none I know. Not counting armor padding that will always smell like sweat but no worse than any other sport.

In any case the Kingdom isn't falling soon.

I'd forgotten that from the comic.
Edit: It certainly wasn't the focus. I can't remember any scene or even dialog like "Man, that tree that feel down up over the north road was a bitch to move. Boy would I give my left nut for a chainsaw."

Hell a sheep can injure you under the right circumstances if your fingers get caught in their wool and you get unbalanced and they're just trying to get away.

Yeh, I was mulling this over. What can be acceptable diversion in your head, might not translate to screen well, or translating it highlights all the flaws you didn't notice. I was a fan of Ayn Rand's Anthem for years as a teen(don't hold it against me!) and had only a little clue that the story didn't hold