
Nope! It's the end of that comments "season". You'll have to wait until next week! And I totally expect you to be on the edge of your seat! Ratings baby ratings!

I bow before your instant recall of obscure table-top roleplaying info. I, OTOH, remembered I left my MM with stuff I stored at a friend's place. =^-^=

Yeah, they're the type really good as seizing the power. Not so much keeping it. Could be justified with "selling protection services" lifestyle in the right narrative hands, but this is not it.

Probably not. Follow your bliss.

" and the Born waltzed around in the daylight with his hood down before
the bomb went off; indirect sunlight now definitely not an issue."

Zach is The Strain's mini Chris from 'Fear the Walking Dead'. And he's just as awful.

Man, I was screaming at him to duck at the end. I know the last time he studied science formally was before the Crucifixion, but you'd think he'd been exposed to the concept of what an nuke could do by now.

Yeah, I want Quinlan to live happily ever after somewhere in the arts and entertainment industry. He could move to LA and start a nightclub. There's a guy out there who claims to be the Devil. Clearly anyone can break into the biz.

Expect when it kinda does. Inconsistent rules are one of the perennial problems, making it hard to gauge exactly how serious the series wants us to take it.

Yeah, hating a bad cliffhanger totally equals hating all cliffhangers.

Guess Gary Gygax didn't know how to horse either.
*starts digging for old monster manual*

Thank you. I'm in the undecided catagory. I'm waiting until I know the story is solid before watching it again. I'm actually shocked at how much I dread watching the season premiere and it just occured to me that, duh, I don't have to. It's not like we're studying for a test or anything. I can just skip that shit

True, but not as quickly. This math could be done:

That and, just maybe, they realize there is a limit to how far they can piss us about.

Maybe, but with the viewers leaving(and yes, many have), we probably have equilibrium.

Fellow fen, please no pushing and shoving, Proceed in a calm orderly fashion to the next genre show of your choice. *takes exit to 'The Strain' *

Maybe they're smart enough to know ruling the world is a shit job. Why have the headache when you can run around in the sun all day? :D

Let me explain: after all the BS at the end of the last season, I'm not watching episodes until I know (by reviews and comments) that things have gotten better, or at least there's a plan to make things better. I have too much shit going on right now to watch badly plotted/executed gloom and doom without knowing

Yes, I may start watching soon. But Imma gonna wait until I see what if happening with Rick and Co, and how long he have before they start plotting against Negan.

I understand the sentiment, but from a narrative stand point the Kingdom has to survive at least long enough for Team Rick to rebel and prevail, because they need an ally and another base.