
This, in short, was always the problem with this story arc. Negan is cartoonishly over the top. He's also improbably hyper organized and competent. Its not that it isn't possible to have someone with his intentions WANTING this level of competence, but, barring an cultural institution like a monarchy or church to

Yeah, I've put the premiere on hold until I hear the story is picking up with our heros regrouping with a plan so I don't have to watch horrible stuff with no knowledge of whether it will get better.

Horses don't do well on the show because the writers don't horse.

This comment gives me hope.

It's doubly weird because it's obvious zombies DO decompose, or they'd all look like fresh corpses. I think its another thing Kirkman hasn't thought about or shared with readers. And he clearly hasn't sat down and crunched the numbers for how long even with fantasy extended decomposition a zombie will last in the

"It follows the two best characters the show has (Carol and Morgan, fight
me), and it offers a narrative with more to offer than just misery,
death, and then, wait for it, hold on a second, I think there’s going to
be really something interesting behind this—no, sorry, death again."

So let me guess; you're the other person on AvClub who enjoyed Agents of Shield when it first aired? I thought I was the only one. =^-^=

Ah yes, Caleb did follow through. It was a shock, I remember, but well done. Good point about the purpose.

You know, I actually warmed to the idea, if it was done like Spike and Buffy in Season 6, a hot stress induced fling because of Nick was feeling isolated and lost. But they screwed up and played it straight. There is no effing way I believe Nick is "falling" for Adalind. Willing to be involved with his kid, fine.

Yeh, and have yet to show us, the viewers, this. For instance, if he has that much resources, why are we even seeing him on the ground? You out source that shit to your "Dragon"(TV trope). The first person anyone in the city should have contact with was Church's equivalent of Shades from 'Luke Cage': a trusted

I'm not a fan of the flashbacks. And aren't we running out of time to flashback to? It made sense when the sow started as a device for viewers to understand why Ollie was becoming the Green Arrow. But leave it already.

This is where Church rubs me the wrong way. It's great he's just a non powered guy who knows what he's doing, but the writers are coming too close to giving him serial killer superpowers. For instance I really think it should have been a lot more difficult for him to get the drop on those crooked cops he wasted when

Sorta. The guy should have been slightly surprised a mask maniac jumped him. But I suppose, if your a criminal and you're aware there are masked maniacs about, it makes sense to go on the offense as hard as possible.

You and your character ships. That Nick and Adele thing on "Grimm" has turned into a nightmare and it's all your fault.

I like her not being completly defined as a mother/wife. She shouldn't be, but so often writers have trouble keeping a female character's autonomy once she drifts close to "traditional" roles. See Weepy Felicity of seasons past. I think the only reason that happened is she got involved with Oliver and the writers

Meh, it was played well. Church has style, but the whole scene is trite. Torture is a horrible thing almost never done believably on TV. The longer they keep someone, the less tension there is: either he's going to die or not. TV rarely has main characters maimed for life, which is the really scary thing about

This could be a thing. I wouldn't buy it as the writer's original intention, but I'd accept it as a way to save the plot.

It was nice seeing Snart again.. *sniff*

It's played like it could be as simple as Wells not liking that version of himself—Imagine a version of yourself with all the values/personality traits that rub you the wrong way.

Okay, more on Fables' Willingham visavis misogyny Rmlohner is referring to—I haven't read it all, skimming seems to be careless, perhaps ill considered comments, not hard core misogyny; YMMV: