
Yeah, now I'm going to look at Bill Willingham(edit) wiki page. There were plots and creative choices I didn't like(the comfort woman/rape back ground with Snow White and the dwarves, for instance. Really, just stop writers. Rape as character defining drama, of course only for feeemales, is BORRRING).

"(have these writers never actually stranged someone to death before???)"

You know Batshit Barbara would be okay as a character if she didn't share the exact same name as Gordon's wife and Batgirl's mother. That bit last week when she said "Best. Party. Ever" showed how glorious the character could be—if she was literally someone else. Like one of the looney supervillians.

Dude, we are so going there. Hope you packed your alka seltzer and barfbag.

I agree I prefer the boys as friends. But this is going to be awkward because it looks like Nygma has found a Kringle doppleganger and I shudder to wonder how Penguin will take rejection. I'd rather not go there, but looks like the writers think they're getting to cozy and need shaken up.

The entire "showdown" was utter baloney. Galaxies could have been born and died in all the time Gordon and Lee's fiance (and for that matter Val and Lee) wasted when they could have erupted into pure chaos when Tetchy was distracted—TWICE. Throw wine bottles, up end the table, whatever. Tetchy's goons need clear

Wow, I sure did miss out on that D&D witches coven fast track. I was gaming for at least a year before I found Wicca all by myself. And when I became a DM, I never got the "Nominate Your Players For Your Local Coven" package. Did TSR print that in the back of the Dungeon Master's Handbook? Because I bought ALL of

Understandable. He's the DM's NPC, natch. But they had that flashback with Strezkiakian and a serial killer sapient Stregoi. He punished him by cutting off his arms and legs, locking him in a box and dumping it in the ocean. He said something then about them not being able to regenerate severed parts.

Frankly that's what I thought. Like there should be a visible crater.

Yeh, he had a nice send off.

Not anymore so unreasonable, in story, than Eicorst walking away from ground zero after setting the bomb down. In fact Quinlan did the only smart thing—run after Eicort, who obviously knows the way out, with the niggling problem of having to cut through legions of Strigoi. But they were going for the Ancients. All

Ho, ho, ho. "Thank God I wore my corset…."

Hand was gone. They did establish Strigoi can't regenerate. But I understand your question was really "did the writers remember?"

This is something that was better in the books. IIRC Gus was recruited by Quinlan so he was in the thick of the action/plot most of the time. They dropped the Gus and Quinlan team up. or perhaps they'll use it next season? Dunno, Quinlan's working well as the highly competent, insightful outsider who tells

This is a bad sign. I haven't watched my copy of TWD yet. I feel dread, pure dread…

The Strain at least knows how to have fun. And doesn't take itself too seriously in all the wrong ways. The biggest problem for me with TWD right now is the villain that all the fan boys are going gah gah over is a character that almost had serial killer superpowers in the comic. That's usually a sign the writer

Of course Quinlan made it. Come ON!

Cheers, that sounds interesting. Yeh I always wondered what happened to the History channel. Did David Icke buy it out or something? Its been uneven and biased towards US history, but pandering to the conspiracy stuff is inexcusable.

Ow, ow, ow, ow! Your poor knee! I was very alarmed because an older friend of mine fell down some stairs last year and tore a couple of knee ligaments and needed surgery. But seems mild lcl injuries by itself can heal with rest and RICE?
I had bicep tendinitis for a couple of months; am just recovered and going

Had to check my drive. It's called "WWII Most Daring Battle Raids". I have 3 eps, but there are more. Haven't started yet. You can find them in the usual places—I usually go to TPB. I assume links here are verboten. Maybe its on Netfix too? Good luck.