
Hey Bear! How's it going!
Re: the Strain—I watch mainly for Quinlan. Cuz you know you know he's going to kill it after last week. And perhaps catch up to the Nazi was all love to loathe? Nice to to hear Timeless is a good thing. I'm taking it on a test drive, like Frequency. =^-^=

Randroids can be so adorable . There, there. *tousles hair*

There was actually a rumor Norman Reedus wanted out of TWD so I was sorta hoping Glenn would be spared. I like Darlyl a lot, but if Reedus really wanted to go, I wouldn't hold it against him.

If only we were that strong. The best I can do is save my file for later.

Godddammit we lost Glenn. And after the Magic Dumpster and everything. I'd actually been spoiled for a couple months. A bit surprised the info was accurate tho.

I have no answers to your question. I agree the idea is compelling, but it contradicts the concept as I remember: this is the EVIL side, not the "misunderstood" or hidden or denied/repressed parts of your personality. < That could explain Jekyll and Hyde; I could buy the doctor is a dudebro trying to get out of the

For me the "real" Snow will always be the bandit outlaw princess. =^-^=

I think they wanted to teach science in a "cool" non boring way, with a nod to the children's fairy tale roots. Unfortunately the writers fell into a common problem with the "Equal and opposite" bit:

The Frozen plot line was good, but the costuming for Elsa in the Mundy world was horrid and tacky, and not in a charming way. I get they wanted the character to be recognizable from the other properties, but that was done sufficiently in the first two episodes. We don't see Snow waltzing around with a slashed

I didn't watch the show at the time(I might binge it some day, with GoT), but I had a housemate who did. He liked the show, but was baffled at how/when they were going to get around to Luthor turning evil. I assume this was resolved? Or did they just drop the evil thing?

I put the "Double Meat Palace" in that category too. Come on: the Watchers council has been around in some form since before civilization, and no one thought to have a trust fund invested so Slayers don't have to worry about day to day bills? Mind, Buffy might have refused their support at a point, but for the

We Season 6 lovers are in a minority. I don't know when you picked up BTVS but I started in S6, around the time of Once More With Feeling. Fellow fans who started earlier or at the beginning felt the series had drifted from the light hearted origins. I kinda see what they mean, but I really think criticism was

The Evil Bunny song was fun. So Anya. But come on, no other songs? Not even "Rest in Peace"? That's usually a crowd pleaser, though part of that is Spike trying to resist the spell…

Like the Piper idea. Sadly it's too late for a OUAT musical episode, at least a good one. The Buffy musicalOnce More With Feeling worked because:

The school scene was awkward. I could see what they were trying to do, but it really needed work. Frankly the writing seems like a rush job across the board. Someone needs to tell people to slow down, or get an editor. The sad truth might be the show has run out of ideas and needs to wrap up.

Well, I agree the Jekyll/ Hyde twist was inspired. But getting there as clumsy. Rumple letting go of the dagger? Come on, he's no amateur.

Sokay. We all want to forget about Lori. =^-^=

For me the deal breaker is the rapist is the star.
Nope. Nope, nope, nope, nope. A thousand nopes.

But its interesting, that, while that might have been a prevailing view, most men didn't internalize or act it out. Like that third guy Parker invited to join in who was like, "Ewww WTF?"

If true, that is disappointing. Do you have a link? You will understand why people might not take you too seriously in these here parts….