
As a history buff, I appreciated the accuracy. Burning for witchcraft was done in continental Europe, not the Colonies.

I must respectfully disagree re:Rip Hunter, though this could be my weakness for wanting "Rory" on screen again. Without a connection to the culture that created the Time Masters, the show is in danger of wandering about without bearings.
OTOH they do have Gideon. But Gideon seems to be a Time Masters Wikipedia, as

Those tropes are definitely in play. But as a fellow LoTR geek, your comparison is making my head spin. I'm imagining a cross between a Maia and Rhohirim and it's kinda scary. o_O

Yeah, I'm really glad they left behind the "dumb as a rock" shtick he almost got typecast in. Plus a man who likes roasting Nazis is what every team needs. =^-^=

Expect, because of Time Travel, Diggle doesn't even know. That would work, except Felicity does know, but she doesn't know Barry has decided not to try to fix the time line. This should be a BIG rift between the Flash and Arrow crews.

I too am wondering this. I was wondering it all through Flash. I'm actually worried someone forgot continuity and this is a genuine error.

Marriage is an ancient alliance strategy. We need some Old Fashioned Values in programming today.

This scene made me flashback to the difference between bootcamp and martial arts training.

Good observation.
Nice to see you still around. It's been a while.

Yeh, Felicity is back to form. See, writers? We wimmins can relate to female characters not defined by her (sob) emotions. Really. We do just fine. Most of the time we don't sob at all…unless you remind us of Season 3. Then all bets are off.

You can forget Season 3. The rest of us try to. But 4 is okay if you get the time to catch up.

IKR? And right after rescuing him. WTF? Would he have preferred she NOT been there?

The most he's got going for his "theory" about Daisy is she's a strange gringo lady who brings trouble. And that only works if you buy wheelchair bound "Chris", who has literally nothing else to do except wonder where his brother is, has no clue that his brother is a street badass.

I actually knew what they were going to do seconds before he explained. ESP or Geekdar honed by years of watching TV tropes?

I'm sailing down that river with you. Loved Trip.

Fitz was smoking, dude, Smoking. More DIY realz science please, showrunners.

Thanks. Your post saved me the trouble of explaining the difference between character driven drama and cheap melodrama.

You're not wrong, especially with Arrow. Flash at least has that fun loving sense of wonder which is why we're drawn to the superhero genre. I like a grim crusader(Batman, Midnighter) as much as the next fan girl, but that's not why we like superhero stories. AofSh has fun with the concept. Arrow takes itself way,

There you go with logic and stuff…

Depends who you ask.